Friday, January 8, 2010

How do we stop the high gas prices and drill for oil in the USA?

I am interested in finding in finding a website or lots of people that feel as I do about high gas prices and drilling over here. My idea is that thousands of us block all roads into DC in protest of our not drilling for our own oil in the USA. This has went on long enough. We only need to drill in a small area in Alaska, off the Coast of Florida, under the Lakebed in South Dakota and process Oil Shale. Come on People lets force the Government into working for us instead of us for themHow do we stop the high gas prices and drill for oil in the USA?
I know this is long....but informative. I'm with YOU!

With 94% of the world's oil supply locked up by foreign governments, most of which are hostile to the United States, the relatively puny American oil companies do not have access to enough crude oil to significantly affect the market and help bring prices down. Thus, Exxon Mobil, a small oil company, buys 90% of the crude oil that it refines for the U.S. market from the big players, i.e, mostly-hostile foreign governments. The price at the U.S. pump is rising because the price the big oil companies charge Exxon Mobil and the other small American companies for crude oil is going up.

This is obviously a tough situation for the American consumer. The irony is that it doesn't have to be that way. The United States--unlike, say, France--actually has vast petroleum reserves. It would be possible for American oil companies to develop those reserves, play a far bigger role in international markets, and deliver gas at the pump to American consumers at a much lower price, while creating many thousands of jobs for Americans. This would be infinitely preferable to shipping endless billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia, Russia and Venezuela.

So, why doesn't it happen? Because the Democratic Party--aided, sadly, by a handful of Republicans--deliberately keeps gas prices high and our domestic oil companies small by putting most of our reserves off limits to development. China is now drilling in the Caribbean, but our own companies are barred by law from developing large oil fields off the coasts of Florida and California. Enormous shale oil deposits in the Rocky Mountain states could go a long way toward supplying American consumers' needs, but the Democratic Congress won't allow those resources to be developed. ANWR contains vast petroleum reserves, but we don't know how vast, because Congress, not wanting the American people to know how badly its policies are hurting our economy, has made it illegal to explore and map those reserves, let alone develop them.

In short, all Americans are paying a terrible price for the Democratic Party's perverse energy policies.How do we stop the high gas prices and drill for oil in the USA?
The rich want more and everyone else does not count, only what they have to take counts. To conquer people, place yourself at the top, you secure and limit what everyone needs, that being energy. Do not expect change from the government or its parties when it comes to redistributing their wealth, to stop high gas prices as well as bad energy polidies I'd say substantial revolt would be necessary.
I don't think drilling the US alone will lower gas prices. We also need more refineries which haven't been built for 30 years because of NIMBYism. We all know gas is a limited resource and sooner or later we are going to run out. It kills me that we haven't turned more to alternative fuels, I truly believe the gas companies are preventing that from happening.
We need to contact our elected representatives and tell them we the people will remove them from office if they keep kowtowing to the environmental radicals. We must demand energy production in the USA and North America.

The next thing the kooks want to do is eliminate coal and nuclear generated electricity. That is going to hurt bad. We need to stop these people before they force us back into the caves.
we need to boycott oil.. there ARE alternative sources but oil companies decline them because they are making so much money off the oil. we need to stop getting oil and turn to alternative sources.

What will happen if you accidentally put stop oil leak into the spot you put oil instead of the crankbox?

hmmm how do you think your oil gets to the crankcase?geez, dont worry, thats where it goes.What will happen if you accidentally put stop oil leak into the spot you put oil instead of the crankbox?
say bye bye to your motor.... unless your ****** lucky hahaWhat will happen if you accidentally put stop oil leak into the spot you put oil instead of the crankbox?
What is a crankbox? Sounds like something I might call my Mother In Law.

How can I stop my tax money being transferred to military and oil corporations?

You can't, all you can do is vote out the politicians that are using your tax money unwisely.How can I stop my tax money being transferred to military and oil corporations?
Write to your congressmen and your representatives and let them know how pissed off you are. Get active, get others to sign a petition and send it to Washington, get people to listen speak out against the dishonesty that is effecting our nation and get things back on the right track. We need more people to get involved . Don't stand still and expect things to change because they won't. All it takes for evil to succeed is for enough good men to do nothing.How can I stop my tax money being transferred to military and oil corporations?
as the previous answers said, you can vote out the current idiot. be prepared to complain, though, no matter who gets elected. you'll still get the short end and your taxes will still go for the military and oil...

or you could not pay your taxes. course, you'd probably end up in jail and owing more, which would go for oil and the military...
You can only affect how taxes are spent by voting out the people who currently represent you in your government.
Leave the country.

  • printer cartridge
  • What is the likely impact on world oil prices if Hillary Clinton proposes that the US stop filling the SPR?

    Senator Hillary Clinton proposes that the US stop filling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in order to lower oil prices, what will this do to the world's oil price?What is the likely impact on world oil prices if Hillary Clinton proposes that the US stop filling the SPR?
    It will lower oil prices immediately for a short term, because, US government have a lot of oil out of public hand.

    I think Bill Clinton once employed the same tactic, and the oil price dropped immediate to the then normal prices.

    Why did Lays Potato chips stop making the chips with 100 percent sunflower oil?

    They were selling them for awhile with 100 percent sunflower oil which is really good for you but now they are making them with corn oil and I think they taste nasty.Why did Lays Potato chips stop making the chips with 100 percent sunflower oil?
    Probably a cost or supply issue.

    Call the 800 number on the bag

    Can peanut oil really help prevent/stop acne breakouts?

    my boyfriend and his dad says it really works, but i'm hesitant to try it until I know a little just sounds kind of strange that oil would Prevent acne, becuause oils are usually a cause...Can peanut oil really help prevent/stop acne breakouts?
    that is ridiculus. stay as far away as you can.Can peanut oil really help prevent/stop acne breakouts?
    I don't want anything but your happiness, so try reading through my answer.

    None of these home remedies and treatments will work. You can try buying any of it, but it will not work. Because pimple is a natural thing on your skin. You, ME and some other unfortunate people have skin that is prone to pimples. Now, there is no way you can 100% avoid them, but there are a few things that you can do.

    #1 Stop using makeup (any foundation, face powder, blush), only use in extreme occasions

    #2 Wash your face with johnson baby soap once a day (NO MORE THAN THAT).

    #3 Whenever your face gets oily, splash tap warm water and wipe off with a clean dry napkin / towel.

    #4 Do not pop pimples.

    #5 Have patience, the marks will eventually go away.
    i think i would depend on the type of skin you have. oil itself doesn't cause zits. hormones cause the natural oil from your skin to get sticky, and that mixed with dead skin sells blocks the opening to your pores. then over time blocked pores get infected and that's when pimples get red and puffy.

    sorry for being gross!! : )

    but anyway, so when people use harsh, drying soaps on there face, there skin freaks out and over produces oil. and that gives you more of a chance of getting zits.

    so anyway i think its possible!!

    sorry again for being gross! : )

    hope this helps.
    If your boyfriend and his father come at you with a jar of creamy peanut butter... run away fast!
    Honey, I heard that it causes it!

    Gas prices how long it gonna stop rising when there is no more oil is there a solution or no more solution?

    gas prices is hitting in a record high and still soaring but still renewable energy like wind, solar, hydrogen, has some many negative feed backs and expensive and it's to costly to manufacture, not all people in this earth cannot afford that. so what's the best solution. that can be harnest as a best renewable energy can be utilized by human very efficiently.Gas prices how long it gonna stop rising when there is no more oil is there a solution or no more solution?
    If wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, tidal, hydrogen, and bio fuel technologies received the same federal subsidies for as long as the oil industry has been receiving federal subsidies, they would be just as economically viable. Especially considering that oil is a finite resource that is already becoming increasingly expensive to find and process.Gas prices how long it gonna stop rising when there is no more oil is there a solution or no more solution?
    Your question is complex, but focusing on the cost of gas at the pump........blame is to be placed exclusively and solely on the shoulders of the stock market speculators. The little guys on the commodity stock exchange wearing short cut waiter coats and waiving little pieces of paper while screaming BUY-BUY-BUY. As long as there is invester purchasers buying crude oil stocks at rediculous obscene prices, the prices go up and trickles to the pump per gallon price.

    Alternative energy options is about law suit to death by the green movement. Wind mills - nope, kills birds. Hydro electric - no way, kills the spawning fish. Geo thermo - nope! Causes negative impacts to the air. Nuclear - absolutely not, we'll all die from radiation. Drilling for the billions of barrels of our own un tapped crude? Sorry, we'll kill the environment and eco system. So says the greenees and as long as they have one judge in their well funded pockets, the only thing we all can do is suck it and pay the price, or start a rig shaw business sponspered by the Al Gore groupies. If Algore' had his way, he'd outlaw the internal combustion motor.

    Tons of enet links confirming all of the lawsuits won in the past and currently in progress.
    You may be too young to recall earlier concerns over world population growth, but it looks like this is the beginning of a considerably larger crisis. Notice that there have been spotty but significant food shortages and shortages of almost every other useful commodity as well.

    We're running out of fresh water as well because our large population has depleted and polluted most sources by now; and the states that border the Great Lakes are drafting legislation to prevent water from being exported.

    Cars are the least of our worries.
    Scientists believe that in the next 5-10 years gas prices will be up to $15.00 per gallon!! I suggest you invest in a horse. . . they don't need gas to run!!

    But yes, oil is becoming very scarce. The best solution I can see is to get rid of your gas guzzler car and buy a CHEAP hybrid. Then when gas prices excel over $10 you can dump the car (you will not have lost much money if you buy the car cheap!) Then you can buy a bicycle or horse if you know how to ride!
    Well unfortunately gas is becoming impractical. We have the technology to make electiric and solar powered cars and such but the fact of the matter is that like you said it is costly to produce and difficult to manufacture...but I have seen a lot more ppl using public transportation.
    There is lots of oil !!! even in this country Just think of this eqation 100 people buy gas at $4 gal in 6 months it rises to $40 gal and only 10 people buy gas They are not loosing $ Just last year they profit at $40billion real nice...
    The problem could be alleviated if we start drilling for our own oil and build more refineries.
    Nuclear energy and there is oil for 200 more years
    let me start off by saying Hydrogen is a great option for the concept of free energy. I built my first hydrogen cell about 5 years ago. Have converted over 50 vehicles in the last 10 years (gydrogen and EV) and now currently run 2 trucks (and another EV), my home hot water heater, home stove and home generator on hydrogen for free with caught rain water and the help of a $10 solar panel. I offer a step by step DIY guide to walk anyone interested threw the process. You can find it at www agua-luna com or you can email me.

    There are basically 3 safe ways to make and use it... chemically, electrically and molecularly, the first 2 being easier so I'll only discuss them here. The fallowing steps were taking directly out of a DIY guide I offer to those who would like to run their vehicles or home on hydrogen safely. The entire guide is available at www agua-luna com

    On demand h2 generators are a bit different from the Hollywood versions like seen Chain Reaction with Keanu Reeves, that tend to explode violently every time a film is being made. However when used in an on-demand system there is no storage of hydrogen and oxygen in its gas form, only liquid (water) and is only transformed into gas “on-demand” in small cylinder size amounts. It’s actually safer then gasoline as it doesn’t evaporate, creating explosive fumes in the tank like gas. the following were actually taken out of my $5 guide available at www agua-luna com


    1. You’ll need a 6inch x 1ft schedule 40 pvc pipe. With pvc cement glue a cap on the bottom and use a screw on cap for the top. Drill a small hole (1/4inch or so) in the side close to the top, screwing in a small copper shut off valve. Place a few feet of stranded (food grade is good) flex hose to the valve and into the air intake of your engine (carburetor or fuel injections).

    2. Now crunch up a couple aluminum cans (beer cans, soda cans etc) and drop them into the pvc pipe, along with a couple cups of lye (Red Devil drain opener has lye in it, some Clorox and Drano’s do to).

    3. Then simply add water, screw on the top and wait a few minutes.

    What happens in simplicity is that aluminum and lye don’t really get along so they battle, and as always the innocent civilians (water H2O) that the most casualties, by giving up its hydrogen and oxygen. This then builds up in the void of the pipe and is ready to be vented into your engine, by opening the valve. You may need to start your engine on gas then switch it off after the hydrogen starts burning.

    Electrical is a bit easier then Chemically.

    1. Simply take a small solar panel 1.5 amps is what I use ($9 at, connect the 2 wires from the panel +- to 2 conductors (carbon cores of batteries work well, just be careful removing it from the jacket), but any conductive material will work ie. Copper, aluminum, steel, etc.

    2. Drop the wires into a water tank (I use 55gal drums), make sure they don’t touch each other.

    3. Drill a small hole (1/4inch or so) in the side close to the top, screwing in a small copper shut off valve. Place a few feet of stranded (food grade is good) flex hose to the valve and into the air intake of your engine (carburetor or fuel injections).

    4. Then simply add water, screw on the top cap and wait.

    After a few hours tiny bubbles will form and rise off one conductor (that’s hydrogen) and even smaller bubbles that just looks like foam will rise off the other (oxygen). I don’t remember which likes the positive and which likes the neg hydrogen or the oxygen.

    The third method is more complicated and is what I use for my vehicles. It’s just a modified Joe’s Cell, there’s a step by step DIY guide available to walk you threw the process here www agua-luna com

    It also covers the other 2 methods described in more detail.

    www agua-luna com

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative %26amp; Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income %26amp; Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit:

    www AGUA-LUNA com

    Stop Global Warming!!!

    GIRLS with Oily skin-type: What do you put on your face to stop the oil production?

    for the whole day and keep skin clear and smooth at the same time? Certain kind of lotion, makeup or other ???

    NO Pills.GIRLS with Oily skin-type: What do you put on your face to stop the oil production?
    omg revlon colorstay with softflex combination oily skin is THE BEST!!!! it smells reallly good too....kinda vanilla/sugary smell....its awesome!!!

    Apollo ultrasonic wireless oil level monitor is making loud clicking noise. how do i stop it?

    weve only recently had oil installed but this has just happened yesterday. a loud ticking clicking noise emanating from the oil level monitor. cant stop it. you can hear it all through the house.Apollo ultrasonic wireless oil level monitor is making loud clicking noise. how do i stop it?
    Contact the suppliers for advice or replacement.Apollo ultrasonic wireless oil level monitor is making loud clicking noise. how do i stop it?
  • printer cartridge
  • Why did the Body Shop stop selling the Coffee Body Butter and Jasmine Fragrance Oil?

    I loved the way both of those smelled, but they don't sell it anymore! Whoever reads this, can you please email the Body Shop telling them to bring back these two products? Perhaps if they get enough emails, they'll bring these back =)Why did the Body Shop stop selling the Coffee Body Butter and Jasmine Fragrance Oil?
    Because that sounds grouse!

    How do i stop oil around my nose?

    its so annoying any ideas!

    How do i stop oil around my nose?
    Anything that dries out your skin like astringents or if you want to take the natural approach, and egg mask. I always carry around oil blotters which take away the shininess instantly! You can buy these at drug stores or at macy's. Using face wash that exfoliates will help you too. How do i stop oil around my nose?
    An astringent might work, but I've had really oily skin my whole life and I have yet to find something that really works.

    Why did the Body Shop stop selling the Coffee Body Butter and Jasmine Fragrance Oil?

    I loved the way both of those smelled, but they don't sell it anymore! Whoever reads this, can you please email the Body Shop telling them to bring back these two products? Perhaps if they get enough emails, they'll bring these back =)Why did the Body Shop stop selling the Coffee Body Butter and Jasmine Fragrance Oil?
    Because that sounds grouse!

    Will you be more willing to dig for OIL the day they stop delivering pizza to you door?

    then you'd end up driving to get it or the ingredients. puh leeze. you plan on growing wheat in your yard?Will you be more willing to dig for OIL the day they stop delivering pizza to you door?
    No. I've always thought that was a miracle - getting Pizza to my door - and have savored (pun) it every time. However, the day I can't afford the gas to get into my car and drive to get a Pizza - then I will be willing!Will you be more willing to dig for OIL the day they stop delivering pizza to you door?
    nope...i'd be trying to get an alternate power source.

    maybe experiment around and invent something like the hydrogen powered engine and stuff like that.

    the oil resources will be over in 20 years' time so there is no point of searching for oil

    If I overfill a 1996 yamaha golf cart with oil, how hard is it to get it to stop smoking?

    This cart has never smoked before but after overfilling it smokes %26amp; I would like to know what to do.

    Thanks in advance!If I overfill a 1996 yamaha golf cart with oil, how hard is it to get it to stop smoking?

    You absolutely must drain the extra oil! Extra oil bumps your oil pressure way too high, and if your base gasket, head gasket, rear main seal, valve cover gaskets, or any number of other seals, gaskets or o-rings survive the pressure, at the least your crankcase vent will fill up with oil as it pumps the oil into your airbox. That oil will then contaminate your filter and the oil will get pulled right back into your intake, where it will burn like a cropduster. You've already seen that happen. Let the thing cool off, put an oil pan under there, wear some nitrile gloves and loosen the drain plug. Obviously, removing the plug is going to cause a torrent of oil, and your goal is not draining all of it, it's just letting some out. Keep this in mind as you unscrew it: when it is fully unscrewed, just keep pressure on it so that it still seals itself against the oil pan. Take the drain plug away away from the pan no more than a half-inch, let a little oil out, then screw it in enough to stop dripping (good enough to allow you to check the oil level).

    Once you get the level right, tighten the drain plug to the proper torque. Keep in mind that you need to know whether or not you are supposed to check the oil level with a hot engine or a cold engine. If you check it cold, and the level is at the top line, it will go OVER the top line when it's hot. Just follow the directions in the owner's manual.

    This is a good time to tell everyone: if a machine requires, say, 3.6 liters of oil, MEASURE OUT 3.6 liters, then pour it in. Don't get 4 liters and pour it in until you think you should stop. It's way too easy to overfill, and draining it back out is a pain. It's also extremely necessary! If you blow a base gasket, THEN you'll know a repair bill high enough that it could be more then the vehicle is worth.

    Lastly, you need to remove the crankcase vent hose, and open the airbox up and clean all of the oil out of both of them. You'll most likely need a new air filter, and if you have a crankcase vent filter, you need a new one of those too. Finally, pull the spark plug(s) for a cleaning and regap. Do NOT over-tighten the plugs or you'll strip the threads in the head, requiring a total tear-down of the top half of your engine to properly repair.

    Good luck with that- I hope to goodness the engine's OK. If it is, you've have just dodged a big fat bullet!If I overfill a 1996 yamaha golf cart with oil, how hard is it to get it to stop smoking?
    drain some out might fix it if you didnt blow a gasket or seal

    Will you be more willing to dig for OIL the day they stop delivering pizza to you door?


    WHAT DID THE PIZZA EVER DO TO YOU!Will you be more willing to dig for OIL the day they stop delivering pizza to you door?
    ummm no

    i can live without pizzaWill you be more willing to dig for OIL the day they stop delivering pizza to you door?
    I'd rather just go pick it up. It's only about 3 minutes away.

    Can I put baby oil on the tips of my hair to help stop split ends?

    I am growing my hair long for my wedding. I get a very small trim about every 3 months to get rid of split ends. I am supposed to put a small amount of conditioner on the tips of my hair but I find this goes crusty and gross. Can I put baby oil in the tips? And does anyone else have any hair care tips to keep my hair long and healthy? Thanks :o)Can I put baby oil on the tips of my hair to help stop split ends?
    Heres how to keep your hair looking great:

    Before you shampoo your hair, you must hot oil condition it. Warm 2 tsp of either olive, seasame, coconut, or castor oil. I prefer olive. Rub the warm oil onto your scalp, using the tips of your fingers, NOT YOUR FINGER NAILS. Rub your scalp in a circular motion. *make sure the oil isn't too hot!*

    After you have covered your scalp, move onto the tips of your hair. Saturate the ends with the oil. This will prevent split ends.

    Now, take a hot towel and wrap your hair in it. Keep the towel on for 30-40 minutes. This will gurantee a deep condition.

    Next, shampoo your hair. First, wet the hair with hot water. Rub the shampoo in. Shampoo twice too ensure clean, oil free hair.

    Next step, conditionar. Rub the condtionar onto a hot head. Tie it up and leave for 15 minutes. Wash the conditionar out using cold water. This leaves your hair feeling soft and super shiny.

    This steps, twice a week will keep your hair healthy and beautiful before the big day!=)Can I put baby oil on the tips of my hair to help stop split ends?
    Baby Oil is great for hair.. Try it!
    many ways EXCEPT THAT.
    well that works... but what works better and faster is warm olive oil... they slso sell a special kind at sally's....
    Baby oil works... As for the conditioner, you just leave it in for a few hours, then wash it out when you go out.
    yes my cousin just recently told me this. she puts baby oil on the end of her hair to keep split ends away and she gets a tim about every 3 months as well and she says it works for her great. she puts the baby oil on damp hair every time she gets out of the shower....i started this too but sometimes i forget lol.

    so good luck!

    Why does my 98 Dodge caravan's oil light come on when I stop or turn and then it goes of again?

    It's also making a light knocking noise Am i screwed?What can I do to fix it please helpWhy does my 98 Dodge caravan's oil light come on when I stop or turn and then it goes of again?
    Hi...the answer lies in in your having a worn out oil sensor in the engine bay. Unfortunately this part does wear out. There's nothing wrong with your bulb in its self. But it seems intermittent, and replacing the sensor will elimate this problem. The sensor my cost $20-25. Light knocking can be many things from bad lifters...repairs for this can be costly. If your experiencing dark smoke from your rear exhaust pipe...well let's say it's time to take it to a trusted auto mechanic for further evaluation. And it sound's as if you may not want to spend that kind of of money. Beware...additives that promise to quiet that noise inside your engine ...these only mask the real problem. Hope this info of luck to ya!Why does my 98 Dodge caravan's oil light come on when I stop or turn and then it goes of again?
    If you're not low on oil, use a heavier weight oil.

    If you never ran out of oil, you're not screwed.

    Manufacturers recommend light weight oil so they can advertise that their cars get better gas mileage. But as those cars get older, the tolerances get sloppy and they need a heavier oil to maintain protective film of oil necessary to lubricate everything.

    Sloppy tolerances allow more oil to flow through, and evidently your oil pump isn't able to keep up with the amount of oil getting around what used to be tight places.

    A heavier weight oil should solve your problems. If you currently use 5w30, go to 10w40. I use a 15w50 and have over a quarter million miles on this engine.

    The light comes on because you are WAY low on oil, and when you stop or turn, the little oil you do have sloshes around in the oil pan and away from the pickup tube, at which point the pickup tube sucks air instead of oil, and your oil light turns on. As soon as you suck oil again, it turns off. Usually this begins to happen when you're more than a quart, more like two quarts low. The thing only holds 4-5 quarts to start with, so you might have half of it left. The red light is red because it indicates that you have a major problem that will quickly result in major engine damage. The knocking sound you hear is the sound of connecting rod bearings with no oil between them and the crankshaft. Here's what's going to happen if you continue to drive this way. First, the engine will be permanently damaged, even if you do eventually put oil in it. Next, it will seize. Third, you will be screwed. Do not under any circumstances even START this engine until you put oil in it.
    Did you botherd to check the oil. When driving most of it is in the engine and when you stop it moves away from the pump. And yes you are scewed!!! Its called a spun baring.
    it may be time to change the oil in it,you can try that ,other wise it may have an oil pump going out on it.that will cause it to do this,and that will also explain the knock you have in it,have it checked to be sure,it may just need an oil change or a sending unit put on it,any shop can check this out for you,good luck on it.
    low on oil
    Me again is right. He is also right about Dodge man....that guy is an idiot. On my other username I have answered about 100 questions that he answered and got best answer on all of them because that guy doesn't have a clue. Put oil in your van and hope you didn't blow it up.
    you are low on oil or your light is mouth functioning. no clue how to spell that sorry.
    oil pump is bad,light knocking is very bad. sell it before its to

    late. and stay away from dodge caravans.

    Will the US attack Iran now that Iran has stop using the US dollar in oil transactions?

    Well?Will the US attack Iran now that Iran has stop using the US dollar in oil transactions?
    Learn a little about the global economy and how it works. It's interesting and it would clear up a few things for you.Will the US attack Iran now that Iran has stop using the US dollar in oil transactions?
    No. I think that the US realizes that it would be a huge mistake to attack Iran because of their not using the US dollar in oil transactions. It would be a mistake because the Army is already stretched thin with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Another reason is that it would further destabilize the region possibly leading to a WW III. Russia would probably side with Iran, and it would further add to the International Perception of the United States as a meddling bully.
    Central banks around the world have been dumping US$ and offloading US treasuries for the past five years, do yo think that the US is going to attack the whole world?

    US is to attack Iran because the country is politically anti-Zionist (not anti-Jewish) and the US Pro Israel lobby pulls all the strings and defines US foreign policy.

    The average US citizen is under the illusion of living within a democracy that votes for its foreign policy when the reality is that it is forged by Israel.
    Attacking Iran is a stupid idea. As everyone knows, Iraq is a failure. If the politicians can't learn from just present actions, they are plain stupid, let alone having them learn from history. A guy who claimed he was Pakistani said on a post that a pipeline going from Iran through Pakistan to China is being constructed. Everyone probably knows by now that China/Russia are good customers of that state and they won't like you Americans screwing up their future trade plans.
    No we got enough to worry about now and the up coming election will stop any idea of it

    .. .. ..

    Good to see you are concerned in what is happening in the world

    .. .. ..

    But for the U.S. to get involved in a confrontation with Iran is a little more than it could handle

    .. .. ..

    Budget wise it would be a disaster

    and to get approval to do so just because a country stopped using our currency as the basis for the price of oil

    .. ... .,.

    Would be boarding on being childish even to consider it

    .. .. ...

    I just hope the men who run the government have grown up enough to know so

    .. .. ..
    I have read stories that Saddam Husein threatened to do the same thing. And maybe that was the REAL reason we went to war with Iraq.

    I just don't see how the US can afford another war. We are already spending billions of dollars every week on the current wars. With the current economic situation in the US another war could bankrupt us. That is what happened to the Soviet Union.
    You want us to? EDIT- for the record this has not even made yahoo news yet.In the long run the USA will not need anything from Iran. Even now it is China who is their biggest customer
    The United States will not attack Iran.
    we attack Iran every day, as you just showed us.

    What would happen to the Middle East if the World Powers stop buying their oil?

    Not all Middle Eastern countries have oil.What would happen to the Middle East if the World Powers stop buying their oil?
    Sadly that cannot happen for a long time, because if we stop buying their oil, our economy will stop.

    Drilling in the US will do nothing to relieve the problem, because the US has less than 2% of the world's oil.What would happen to the Middle East if the World Powers stop buying their oil?
    They would turn into a culture of barbaric, women-hating religious zealots.

    Oh, wait...

    Does anyone know about how much a standard oil change is at Lube Stop?

    Need my oil changed tomorrow.Does anyone know about how much a standard oil change is at Lube Stop?
    Let your fingers do the walkin' them and ask......................Does anyone know about how much a standard oil change is at Lube Stop?
    depends on how many quarts your car takes mine takes 8 but im a mechanic so i do it myself with a filter,oil and labor dont spend more than 35 bucks if you do your geting ripped off hard
    With a coupon out of the paper about 20 bucks, plus a couple bucks for the oil disposal fee.
    usually $19.95 lol
  • printer cartridge
  • There is mineral oil in my body lotion, should I stop using it?

    I know that mineral oil can be bad (that's why I stopped using the clean and clear oil sheets and powder with mineral oil in it). The body lotion I use now has mineral oil in it...should I stop using the lotion and seek an alternative, or is it okay when applied as a lotion?There is mineral oil in my body lotion, should I stop using it?
    There is nothing wrong with using Mineral Oil on your skin, unless you have oily or acne-prone skin. If you have dry skin, Mineral Oil is great for your skin. There's a cosmetic company that is spreading false rumors about the oil, that's probably why you were told it's bad.There is mineral oil in my body lotion, should I stop using it?
    Everything you need to know about mineral oil:鈥?/a>

    If you're prone to acne you might want to avoid using it. Another lotion could do just as good a job and not cause breakouts! :O)
    If you use it on your body vs. your face, and it works for you, then go right ahead.

    Mineral oil is not good for most people's face because it is an oil; but works OK with the skin of the body.

    [ Do NOT use if you have any body acne. ]

    I bought a 2002 dodge intrepid and everytime i hit the breaks or i am at a stop light the oil light comes on?

    but when i start to drive again the light turns off what does this mean?I bought a 2002 dodge intrepid and everytime i hit the breaks or i am at a stop light the oil light comes on?
    First check your oil make sure it's full then if it is go to your service station that you trust there opinon get you oil sensor replaced at the same time service you vehicle

    Good Luck also may just be a loose wireI bought a 2002 dodge intrepid and everytime i hit the breaks or i am at a stop light the oil light comes on?
    Low on oil
    Since this only occurs when brake pedal depressed and assuming no oil pressure or low on oil problem I would look under dash with pedal depressed and see if pedal shaft is contacting wire harness and has rubbed a bare area causing short. Also if a element in tail/stop lights breaks and falls across the other element it can cause other lights and instruments to go crazy when brake applied. If you do not find problem in one of these areas take in and have checked so as not to have serious problem later.

    Hope this helps
    Sounds like the oil pump is not working good. You said you checked the oil and it was full. probably the oil pump. It might be ,you need to chang the oil and oil filter, that might be it. That would make the oil pump slow on picking up the oil. if the oil is dirty and the filter is pluged up.
    could be a bad oil sending unit or you could have the oil pump screen getting plugged up in the oil pan, take it to a mechanic and have the problem looked at as it's nothing to mess with unless you want to replace the engine.
    sounds like oil pump is going, it doesn't sound like it's keeping a prime, this happens when the seal in the oil pump is seeping back into the oil pan, you will have good oil pressure at speed, but little or none at idle.
    Stop right now and check your oil. It is most likely dangerously low.

    The light comes on when the pressure drops. Hitting the brakes may make what little oil is in the pan slosh away from the pickup tube. The stop light issue might be reflecting slower oil pumping while at idle.
    when you back off the gas the engine - and the oil pump slow down and the oil pressure goes down. You should make sure the oil level is full to the top dipstick mark. A sensor will turn on the light at a certain pressure. you should take it to a reputable mechanic and have him check the pressure at which the light is coming on. it could be a bad sensor, or of more concern the oil pump or the engine bearings could be worn out. you also might try an oil change and put in a 10w40 or a 15w40 oil which will probably raise the pressure and maybe the light will not come on.

    At what point does it stop being cost effective to keep drilling for oil?

    I mean energy cost effective, not money cost effective.

    How long do you think we have until we have to put more energy into extracting oil from the ground than we get out of it. And what happens then?At what point does it stop being cost effective to keep drilling for oil?
    When you finally except the fact that it is not an endless resource and start looking for other options that are less apt to cause complete chaos when they even look like they are going to begin to run out.At what point does it stop being cost effective to keep drilling for oil?
    Great - except the fact is not a fact. Oh well, buy'm books and send'm to school - it's up to them to learn. Some just don't. Report Abuse

    As of today, approximately $45 per barrel on the market. In Venezuela the break point is approximately $75 a barrel because their leader for life decided to throw out the petroleum engineers. Check out the large finds off the cost of Mexico. There should be a corresponding deposit off the coast of Africa based on the geology the region. It is generally accepted that S. America and Africa were one land mass several thousand years ago.
    I don't believe anyone has directly answered your question.

    And the answer is 'it won't happen.' The drilling end of things is planned on a minimum return for the dollar spent. When I left,that number was about 25%. That, of course, was at the wellhead and did not include any transportation, pipelining, refining, R%26amp;D or corporate overhead. Typical oil company profits are 6-9% at years end in a good year. If they can't make money doing it, it won't be done. Oil does not receive the 50% or more guvmint subsidization like wind, solar, ethanol and bio-diesel. When those sources can financially compete head to head on a level playing field then oil and gas drilling and production will begin it's last days.
    We need to be drilling in more places for oil right now. But the dems won't allow it.

    And Obama is putting cap and trade into effect which he said himself will drive electricity prices sky high and put the coal industry out of business.

    The dems have also been blocking building more nuclear power plants for years...

    The dems won't lets us use oil shale either....
    The US should definitely look into domestic sources. However, there is a limit. Too much drilling can damage the surrounding environments, including farmland. Plus the last thing anyone wants is to view the country as a giant oilfield.
    The other day I heard from an oil engineer with the current price of oil that some projects like extracting oil from oil sands are no longer cost-effective. Oil companies shut down those projects and work on other projects or try to trim expenses.
    When the demand is too low, it stops being effective to keep drilling for it. Until then, it is attractive.
    When these oil companies cannot make billions in profits.鈥?/a>

    3 out of the top 4?

    What a ripoff!
    Then we go to synthetic lubricants, alternative engines and nuclear power.

    Oops? Did I say nuclear? That'll piss off the left more than oil use, won't it?
    As long as it's being subsidized and alternatives are not being invested into, it'll remain very lucrative for a long time.
    When the oil Co. cannot keep making obscene profits.
    We are not anywhere near that point.

    Vw golf change oil alarm wont stop beeping?

    i have changed the oil and still it wont stop beeping. i dont have the manual to help me with this. i dont want to bring it in if i can do someting myself. the alarm goes off a min. or so after i turn the car on. it is very loud and very annoying. i have to block out the sound my playing the radio loud. i am about to loose it. please help. my neighboor says in the manual there should be something like ' pump breaks three times then turn car on' he says to look in manual. please help i have no manual and am about to have a baby. i dont know what would be more annoying. the crying baby or the non stop beeping.Vw golf change oil alarm wont stop beeping?
    there is no change oil light. the flashing oil light is for oil pressure. the easiest and cheapest fix would be a new oil pressure switch. you could also have low oil level or a plugged oil pick up screen in the oil pan, this is more expensive. good luckVw golf change oil alarm wont stop beeping?
    The alarm is for low oil pressure. Either the oil pump is bad or the oil pressure sensor is bad.

    It's strange how the light goes on right after start up, then goes silent after it warms up. Usually it's the other way around, and means the oil pump is bad. So, it's a toss up.

    If the pump is bad, your motor is not receiving the oil it needs to stay adequately lubricated. This can result in the catastrophic engine failure.

    If the oil sensor is bad, it may not accurately tell you if the pump is bad, then the engine may fail. Besides that, it will just be annoying.

    The only thing you can do is take it to a garage, or mechanic who specializes in Volkswagens. MAKE SURE they have a lot of back ground with VW's!!! These cars operate differently than a lot of cars, and people with background in them will be much more likely to diagnose and fix the problem correctly the first time!!

    Good luck!
    Take it to the dealer and have them reset it.
    What year is your car? Knowing that might help me find a way to reset it yourself without having the diagnostic software to do it.

    You may be able to take it to the dealer and have them reset it; if you have receipts showing that you had it done, or that you did it yourself. it should be a very minimal charge, if they charge you at all.

    How to stop oil drain plug leak after I replaced it with the factory plug&gasket but only slowed down the leak

    the leak used to be a slow drip and now is a very very slow drip.i have heard about putting a little teflon on the threads? is there a proper way of doing this? if not any other suggestions?How to stop oil drain plug leak after I replaced it with the factory plug%26amp;gasket but only slowed down the leak
    Putting five or six turn of Teflon tape is the best solution to stop this kind of leaks. I have this kind of leaks before. I tried a lot of different ways to fix it. Using dealers gasket, of the shelve copper and aluminum washers and Including over tightening the drain plug that cause me to re threaded the oil pan. The trick is to wrap the Teflon tape clockwise when the threaded end of the drain plug is facing you. The layers of the Teflon should be depend on how lose your drain plug is. Give it little more if you have a bad plug. put a soft fiber type of gasket onto the plug first than wrap the threads with plumbing Teflon tape. Do not over wrap the drain plug. Try to concentrate the Teflon tape at the shoulder of plug where the plug and the wall of the oil pan meet. That is here the sealing furface is. If the thread of drain plug or oil pan is badly damaged. It is a good idea to replace them.How to stop oil drain plug leak after I replaced it with the factory plug%26amp;gasket but only slowed down the leak
    Look for scratches or nicks on the sealing area,if the area looks damaged you can file it flat.Use a copper washer on the drain bolt to seal it easier.
    Sealing the threads would just be bypassing the problem. The seal should be the flat spot where the bolt head meets the pan. It's either damaged or you're crossthreaded. If it's crossthreaded, the right thing to do is drill, tap and use the next size bolt.
    It sounds like the threads are damaged in the crankcase. Double the gaskets and make sure they are tight and that you have not cross threaded the plug.
    ................ another washer .....................
    You have to make sure you put the teflon tape on counterclockwise so that when you tighten the plug it stays in place. You only need maybe 6-8 wraps of the tape. If that doesn't do the job then you could try a thread chaser but more than not you will probably have to replace the pan! Sounds like someone cross threaded it some where along the line!
    id say the threads are shot and its time for a new oil pan my friend
    Make sure its your oil drain plug. Could be pan gasket and the leaks drip down to the plug so it just appears that the plug is leaking. Here is a great trick. Take a vaccuum cleaner with a hose attachment. Wrap a rag over the suction end and pull the drain plug. This will stop oil from leaking out of the car when replacing the drain plug.

    Also, if you have had your oil changed at Jiffy Lube or something then chances are they will replace it for free.

    GIRLS with Oily skin-type: What do you put on your face to stop the oil production?

    be specific.GIRLS with Oily skin-type: What do you put on your face to stop the oil production?
    neutrogean DEEP CLEAN facial scrub its great but dont use to often or it WILL dry out skinGIRLS with Oily skin-type: What do you put on your face to stop the oil production?
    I use Cetaphil cleanser for oily skin. Make sure its for oily skin, read the bottle.
  • printer cartridge
  • Will America stop buying oil from Venezuela as a matter of principle because of Hugo Chavez?

    1) Or will you just stay the course

    2) Put your head in the sand, pretend he likes America

    3) Invade because you need their oil

    4) push the government to boycot Venezuela and its oilWill America stop buying oil from Venezuela as a matter of principle because of Hugo Chavez?
    Americans are oil whores. We can't afford to stop buying oil from Venezuela. ';Cut off our nose to spite our face?'; How well did aggression work for us in Iraq?

    How does Chavez differ from the closed society Saudis?Will America stop buying oil from Venezuela as a matter of principle because of Hugo Chavez?
    I lived in Venezuela for over a year until recently. Chavez is the Mugabe of Venezuela he will ruin Venezuela as Mugabe ruined Zimbabwe.

    A Venezuelan friend鈥檚 son aged 15 stayed with my family only last month. I do know what I am talking about.

    Chavez is ruling by violence and intimidation. Two Venezuelan doctors who I know personally were refused jobs in the state system because Chavez gives idiots a copy of a recent referendum against Chavez These people are political cadres and work ';overseeing'; who works and who does not.

    When the 2 doctors applied for jobs 2 party workers said:

    ';We have your name and address on this anti Chavez referendum, no job for you get the **** out of here';

    I have near this computer a floppy disc with photos of a Venezuelan friend with bruises right across his back done by Chavez goons simply because he was demonstrating against Chavez..

    Chavez is opening Chavez education schools for ALL Venezuelan children OVER AGE 3, These are indoctrination schools chanting such slogans such as ';we love Chavez'; in the same way as Cuban schools chant ';we love Castro';

    The referendum tomorrow 2nd Dec 2007 is to allow Chavez to stay in power PERMANENTLY, frankly I am amazed at some chinless wonders from western countries who support Chavez..

    By the way I am also against Bush, but don't confuse the issue,being anti Bush should NOT mean being pro Chavez
    looks like Chavez might beat us to it. Already threatend to stop importing oil to us......btw don't you think we should bring BACK the electric car...or are we gonna keep on invading everyone for THEIR oil?????
    This is a great question.

    You might be shocked to know that buying BP( British Petrolium) isn't any better.

    Here's just ONE example. I choose this one because it's consequences have become relevant to the world with the threat of the laundry heads in Iran:. Read it and weep:鈥?/a>

    The US, hand in hand with bp, over threw a legitimate, pro western democracy led by a Swiss educated, honest man in Iran, so that the corrupt Shah would stay in power and let us and bp keep our hands in the cookie jar. Bp was raping Iran dry with the help of the Shah. Mosedegh (sp?) objected as any reasonable leader should and wanted to nationalize Iranian Oil so that it would have to be purchased and not basically stolen. That became the end of him and he was destroyed along with many innocent Iranians during that bloody coup instigated by a CORPORATION!!!! A corporation who was influential enough to get another country to come in and do what it dictated by fooling the US into thinking that they had something at stake too...

    If it wasn't for bp and we had left Iran's oil alone we wouldn't have those rag heads to contend with now. Our short sighted gains ended up costing us and the world in the long run.

    So before we blame Venezulean oil, let's look at out own backyard and educate ourselves as to what WE do or have done that might be equally evil if not worse.

    Chavez is very bad, but there are MUCH worse. I'd take his oil over many other companies.

    If you're interested in the subject, there is a book called ';All The Shah's Men'; written by Steven Kinzer, who's a highly credentialed author with immense bipartisan and international respect. It will change the way you see how oil effects our world today as the reprecussions of it's trade have directly effected political alliances and world security. A must read for every inquiring and truth seeking American and Brit.

    ps your civilized response to a disrespectful answer shows an incredible amount of class.



    I just found another very nice link on the subject:鈥?/a>
    The enviro wackos are part of the reason we are not drilling for oil in the USA! Our politicans are in ';bed'; with Chavez, Castro, and the middle east. Don't look for any resolve to the oil crises!
    That's really just theatrics. Oil is a world commodity. We will use the amount of oil we are going to use anyway, and we'll pay world market prices.

    If we stop getting oil from Venezuela, we'll get it from somewhere else.

    That oil we got from somewhere else would have otherwise gone to a different country

    That different country will instead get the Venezuelan oil.

    Net effect...nothing
    well probably blow him up or hang him then steal there oil just like Saddam
    Chavez is dangerous and of low intelligence, he does not even speak English and to those who know Venezuelan Spanish he looks and talks like an airport taxi driver; but worse, he is supported by George Galloway and if that does not indict him as an idiot nothing will
    There has been a consumer boycot going on for a while now. The largest retailer of commercial gas in Texas with over 300 convenience stores ended up ditching the Circle K affiliation, in part because the gasoline they were selling came from Venezuela. So he switched to the brand Stripes and started selling different gasoline that was NOT from Venezuela.

    Personally, I have a very high disdain for Hugo Chavez who is acting more like a dictator and trying to get zero term limits on his office so he can be empowered as Supreme Leader for the rest of his life.

    And I also think it was diplorable of the militant activist mother whose son was killed in the Iraqi war and has made it her mission to criticize and disempower President Bush in every way she can (what's her name?), ended up cuddling up next to Hugo Chavez just because Bush was their common ';enemy';. I don't like Bush but as an American, I am beholden to support my country and that includes the President during his term as we have elected him in a democratic society. Yes I sympathize with the movement to call for Bush's impeachment, but I'm not so extreme as to side with ANY enemy of Bush's because Hugo Chavez is an enemy to ALL Americans. What that lady did was virtually treason in my eyes.

    But HELL NO I won't buy from any gas retailer who sells gas in America that came from Venezuela. They are also great friends with the leader of Iran if that tells you what they're up to. Trouble on the horizon!
    I agree with #5, get our own oil and don't let it get to $4.00 or $5.00 a gallon.

    Micheal M you are a sick person. Chavez wants to take over the US and you support him, maybe you should go there and live.
    If Chavez cuts off the US he should be taken out.
    5}none of the above
    How about 5?

    5) keep the oil drilled within the US for US consumption. 85% of American oil is sold to China and Europe. Don't sell to China, don't get poisoned toys in return AND our costs would go down.

    But we know the oil companies aren't looking out for our interests...
    It has always been our policy to buy stuff wherever we can, no matter if the political ideology of the government. Money first principles later.

    That said I prefer oil from Venezuela, where I finance tyranny, over oil from the mideast where I would be financing war and terrorism every time I fill up.

    And that said, Chavez shouldn't be pres for life, NO ONE should serve more than the permitted one or two terms - not Chavez, not Putin, not Musharif in Pakistan (sorry I can't spell his name and unlike Bush I admit it) and not a Bush here. but that is kind of a separate issue, isn't it?

    One more thing - oil is a finite commodity, if we don't buy from Venezuala we will get it from somewhere else and the people who were buying it somewhere else will get it from Venezuela. net zero.
    Oil is a fungible resource, you buy futures contracts for delivery of the product, not on the product from a specific source. So 1 is the answer.
    No probably not, Why ? Because as America goes we tend to be over indulged, greedy gluttons. We want what we want and we will do what it takes to get it. I wish we had more principals but it seems as a whole we do not. I find the greed in our nation to be disgusting.
    I buy all my gas at Citgo, I would rather Chavez get my money than that rat-hearted sociopath Cheney.
    No. The democrats won't let us drill for our own so we will have to continue to shake hands with the Devil (sorry..I mean El Diablo)
    I have been boycotting Citgo for some time now

    The Venezuelan people need to rise up and overthrow their tyrant. The CIA should provide whatever resources it can for this objective

    My car has been overheating and burning oil, now i have some water getting into oil, can i use stop leak?

    car still runs fine, how long before it doesn't?My car has been overheating and burning oil, now i have some water getting into oil, can i use stop leak?
    AF in the oil indicates either a blown head gasket or a cracked block. Oil consumption could be attributed to many things from worn out valve stem seals to a worn out engine.

    Now would be the time to look for a new car or at least a rebuilt engine.My car has been overheating and burning oil, now i have some water getting into oil, can i use stop leak?
    Nope. Stop leak is too late. Sounds like a new head gasket is in order. Stop driving that car or you'll be rebuilding that engine real soon.
    It sounds like you have a bad head gasket (far more likely than a cracked block as someone else suggested) causing the coolant and oil to mix. The oil consumption is probably due to worn piston rings, though it is sometimes caused by valve guides. The burning of the oil and coolant is destroying your emissions systems. Mainly the Catalytic converter and Oxygen sensors. Those parts can easily add up to a great deal of money. In any direction, your engine needs a complete overhaul.

    I would not recommend that you use stop leak. It may band-aid some of the problems, but it will end up making your repair bill much larger when the tech has to replace all the components that end up being clogged by stop leak.

    You need to get that vehicle repaired soon, before any more damage occurs.
    if water in oil you are looking at major$$$$$$$
    Personally I would never use Stop Leak. Its a cheap fix and in the long run hurts your car more than helps it. If you keep burning oil eventually you're going to burn up the engine and you'll have buy a new one. Not over haul it, buy a brand spanking new crate motor. So figure out why its burning oil and then stop that first. The water getting in sounds like it may be a blown head gasket. If this is the case I'd go ahead and replace all the gaskets while you have the chance.

    When I am in stop and go my Oil Light beeps fast and then goes off when I drive again?

    My car has oil. When I am in stop and go traffic if I stop with my car in Drive my oil light comes on and flashes fast with a beep, when I start the car again in drive, it stops......I have noticed a little drip of oil from the ground also. The oil level shows normalWhen I am in stop and go my Oil Light beeps fast and then goes off when I drive again?
    just keep an eye on your oil level. Make sure it is at FULL, not just normal level. If there's no FULL mark, just make sure it's at the top if the normal level. If that doesn't help, take it to a mechanic. that means you probably have low oil pressure, which is caused by a lot of thing, but most commonly the oil pumpWhen I am in stop and go my Oil Light beeps fast and then goes off when I drive again?
    Oil pressure

    I believe there is such a thing as an Oil Pump

    have it checked to see if it's working properly

    I imagine that would be big bucks to fix

    How to make oil out of plants from jewel weed (helps stop itching from poision ivy)?

    Just crush the stems with your hand and spread the juice on the PI blisters.

    I've never tried an oil infusion. Too much work.How to make oil out of plants from jewel weed (helps stop itching from poision ivy)?
    grind them up, squeeze the oil out,

    Will adding oil to hair gel stop it from getting too hard?

    if i add oil such as olive oil before i apply hair gel,will it prevent the gel from getting to hard but still keep the hold? i have very very curly hair and gel is the only way for me to keep it tame,but i don't like when it gets too hard. please and thank you.or if you have any others ways of keeping the hair gel from not getting rock hard please tell me.

    please and thank youWill adding oil to hair gel stop it from getting too hard?
    don't apply so much. apply a moderate amount and play with them and flip your hair to prevent it from getting hard. or u could take a blow dryer and put it on low and hold it fa from your hair but not too far. far enough that then heat can reach your hair but not mess it up. hold the blow dryer for about 5 minutes u don't wanna dry your hair with it. and continue to play with your curls and pick at them this should help. and olive oil will just make your hair smell bad and get greasy so don't. or u could use this mosturizer for your hair that works the smae way as gel but dosen't make it hard. it will tame the frizz. or you coud but your hair in rollers/rags u won't get frizzy hair and it will bring out your curls more.Will adding oil to hair gel stop it from getting too hard?
    I would assume it would! Go ahead! Nothings in your way to try!

    Wat can i use to stop a oil leek on my 3 wheeler?

    i just bought a used 3 wheeler and i noticed it was leeking oil pretty bad under the crank case i think thats were it is leeking.. wat can i use to stop the leek.. i have tried j. b weild on other moters and stuff but it just gets to hot and melts off..Wat can i use to stop a oil leek on my 3 wheeler?
    you have to know exactly where the leak is.

    notmally after decades gaskets leak and have to be replaced.

    Brake cleaner spray is what I like to use to clean off engines to see oil leaks, sometimes I will blow flower on the area to help tell.Wat can i use to stop a oil leek on my 3 wheeler?
    As others have said-you must find the exact cause of the leak. It could be as simple as a gasket or a loose banjo bolt on an oil line. But it might also be a hole in an engine case. You have got to find the leak. Spray brake cleaner all over the underside of the engine and wash it down good and clean, then put newspaper under the engine area and wait for a drop to hit the paper, look for where the drop came from-that is not necc. where is is leaking from-sometimes the oil runs down a seam and drops off at the lowest point, so look carefully, back trace it if necc. You must find where it is leaking in order to fix it right.
    u gotta find where its leaking first.u might as well just fix it right least find out what it will take to fix right(gasket most likely although maybe its a crack) before you start trying to rig it.u might spend more time fighting that leak than u would ever spend doing it right.....and if you sell it it will be much easier to sell.
    Spray talc around where u think the leak is will show u for sure. Buy it at a drugstore/dept store. When you know where the leak is then use whatever - but find the source first.
    do an oil change,apply BONDO to the crack. put oil in......brand neww
  • printer cartridge
  • How to stop oil production on your face?

    my face gets oily. i wash my face and use moisturizer, but my face still gets oily. i use oil-free moisturizer.

    i use oil-absorbing sheets during the day, but im tired of using them.

    i wash my face and it looks clean and clear. but then 2 hours later it starts to get oily and looks dirty and broke out.

    i need help!!!!How to stop oil production on your face?
    birth control helps to control your hormones, which regulates oil production. try an oil controlling primer also before makeup. Also, do not wash your face more than twice a day, as this will make your face produce more oil.How to stop oil production on your face?
    wash your face with a sugar scrub--it helps :)

    Clinton wants to stop gas tax and tax oil company excess profits to make up the difference?

    Won't the oil company just jack up the price of gas to maintain their high profit margins, thus passing the cost on to us gas consumers?Clinton wants to stop gas tax and tax oil company excess profits to make up the difference?
    The truth is the oil companies are not making that much more per gallon than they were 20 years ago. What is happening is that over all consumption of fossil fuels has risen dramatically hence they are selling more product. How some one can punish anyone for making a profit and say its for the ';common'; good is not very sensical. Hillary and her compatriots in Congress have killed almost every energy bill that has come before them for the last 30 years. Its time to lay the blame where it lays on the very politicians that feign disdain for profits when they are the ones who laid the groundwork for the oil companies to make one.Clinton wants to stop gas tax and tax oil company excess profits to make up the difference?
    Not exactly. Gas is a fungible commodity, and the prices tend to float with that of oil. There really isn't a lot of 'jacking up' in gasoline distribution. Oil, there is, due to speculation, at the moment - there's a 'risk premium' built into the current price.

    But gasoline doesn't make big margins for anyone. Reducing the gas tax would bring the price down noticeably - and the amount used /up/. It would also allow gasoline distributors to make a slightly higher margin.

    So the two aren't related. 'Excess' proffits (there's really no such thing, profit is anything in 'excess' of costs) aren't from gasoline sales, but from oil sales.
    We need to end all gas taxes including state and local gas taxes. The money can be recouped by charging a $2.00 surcharge on all public transportation fares*. You are right an excess profit tax on oil companies is really a tax on the customer. Oil companies are in the business to make money otherwise why start a business. In fact if I own shares in Chevron I expect the people running the company to make money at all costs. I then can use my investment earnings to give to my favorite charity as I please. What is considered excess profit? Why is Wal Mart criticized for selling things cheap and mom and pop store praised for ripping off the consumer with high prices. If people don't like oil companies why don't they set up their own oil company and sell gas at a reasonable price? I really wish they would then we could put the greedy oil companies out of business. Wal Mart needs to get into the oil business.
    That's a solution from a typical politician. It's on par with Obama's brainstorm of letting the board voice opinion on the pay of CEO's (which sounds great except that those opinions can be ignored so it doesn't solve anything it just sounds good to voters)

    However, there is evidence to prove that oil companies do have methods to inflate the price at the pump (check out how many refineries were purchased and immediately closed by oil companies). It might account for only a few cents per gallon but when you consider the amount of gallons served, it adds up. The concept is to add a deterrent to the greed and manipulation of the market but there are plenty of ways around those deterrents.

    We (the US) had an immigrant enter the country in the 40's who had invented an engine that ran off of water (it produced it's own hydrogen). The guy even ran a boat with it for 12 hours straight or something... but look at where that technology went? Into the suppression pile.

    It would serve all of the candidates better to come out proposing heavy federal funding into realistic alternatives like hydrogen-based engines and to stop letting these alternatives be swept under the rug.
    American oil companies are not even in the top 20 of oil companies in the world so their excess profits are marginal in comparison. gas tax, excess profit tax, stop one initiate the other. Either way it's still tax and the consumer will end up paying. By the way, Wal-Mart made more profit last year than all American oil companies combined. Yet Clinton doesn't even mention anything about that. Could it be that she was on the Wal-Mart board of directors and has a stake in the company?
    The federal gasoline tax rate is 18.4 cents per gallon. Even if this tax is suspended, it won't mean diddly. Gasoline has gone up that much in the past two weeks in North Carolina.

    Even if the tax is rolled back, the oil companies will time the increase in prices so that we won't notice any difference at all.

    All Clinton is doing is preying on the ignorance of the average voter.
    really, that is yet another Clinton lie she willnot have the power to do so as President. Besides so many states rely on gas taxes to supplement their revenue. Try telling the states that you are going to cut off a huge percentage of their states revenue and watch what happens.
    Not a very smart thing to do. Those tax dollars help with the up keep of our highways. With out that money our roads would suffer not to mention put people out of work because there would no money to do the work. It will never happen because Congress has to vote on it and Bush would probably veto it anyways.
    Even if they tripled it she is saying that they would only be allowed certain profit.And they would get slammed with tax.Listen and think about it, it would not be wise to raise the price of gas if that were to be done.They'd end up losing.
    The gas company would just lower the supplies so prices will raise and they will still make a profit.

    Best to find new fuel source and to increase auto mileage.

    They know how the make a car that can get 80 -120 miles per gallon.
    Not if they know they'll face stiff penalties for price gouging. Exxon Mobile just posted the highest profit quarter in the history of any corporation... And this is happening as gas goes over $4 per gallon.... No.. they don't need regulation....
    it can the capitalist system doesn't allow to regulate business very easily. they should simply put a barrier where how much money they can make and take the rest of the profits.
    Yes. It really shows how ignorant she is about economics. It is also Stalinist to say she will take their profits.
    Clinton and McCain want to stop the gas tax which economists has deemed to be a disastrous proposal.
    I see only 2 of ya that know what your talking about it a shame that gives you an idea how the rest of the population breaks down!
    If she was smart she'd put a price ceiling on gas but that's doubtful.
    Yes, and that's why you need price controls
    yeah............shes da smartest!

    How can I stop my car from burning oil?

    Is there anything I can put in my engine that will prevent my oil from burning? I have 98 eclipse 2.4L spyder. My oil gets black well before 3000 miles after a oil change and is very low low low!!!! Has anyone one used and additives that actually slowed down the burning or even eliminated it?

    ThanksHow can I stop my car from burning oil?
    Restore makes claims that it fills in micro scratches and slows oil consumption.How can I stop my car from burning oil?
    it should be black considering 3000 miles and the age of the car

    change every 2500 miles

    Use.........';straight 40 weight non detergent oil'; ask for this at the parts counter take the advise, it is thicker oil for less consumption and will help!
    Ahh yes simply add some valve seals to fix this problem... Or to fix every engine problem you have simply add a new engine.
    Don't waste your money. Rebuilt engine replacement or buy another car will most likely be your best bet. Have a compression check done to be sure.
    Try a thicker oil like 20w50. Your engine is already toast so it's worth a shot. It might help a little bit.
    Either re-build or swap. additives only do so much, and only act as a crutch, they aren't a fix. Your oil will get black, you need to worry on consumption, check it once or twice a week, not when your next oil change is due. I know you want to hear a cheap magical cure, but there isn't any, sorry.
    Is the car also throwing black smoke through the exhaust? If so, I麓d say you need to replace the valves麓 seals. At least, that麓s something you can do to some older Toyotas and Hondas...

    Does Anyone Have Any Realistic Ideas On How To Stop Being Dependent on Foreign Oil?

    I'd like to see this ';bite the hand that feeds you'; approach from oil producing countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Venezeula(sp?).

    I know electricity needs can be met by the new gasification methods for coal production. My main worry would be the petrol needs for all kinds of transportation.

    What are some ideas? Should we state drilling the heck out of the California coast? Or would people be happier if we did it in Alaska? Those seem to be the two main options.

    On the efficiency front, I continue to be confident that the market will produce higher efficient vehicles when it's possible. A car that has the pulling/horse power of today's vehicles and runs at 80 mpg would make record profits.Does Anyone Have Any Realistic Ideas On How To Stop Being Dependent on Foreign Oil?
    Drill in Alaska, the Gulf Coast, and anywhere else we have oil. Pump as much out as possible.

    While that's going on, invest heavily in research to alternative fuel sources.Does Anyone Have Any Realistic Ideas On How To Stop Being Dependent on Foreign Oil?
    My idea is to replace the current gang of thugs and criminals in Washington, and then to restore the free market. We would do this by watching OPEC collapse when be began extracting our own oil from the US. I would encourage offshore oil exploration and exploitation.

    At the same time, I would encourage the proliferation of nuclear generating plants for the production of electrical power.

    And all of this could be done safely, and with no significant environmental damage. I know this is contrary to the propaganda that many of you have been subjected to over the years. Just remember, when you get your information from known liars, you have to have a little skepticism.

    All the lies about the dangers of nuclear power, and why we can't get our own oil out of the ground, is being told to you by the same people who told you about Y2K. THEY, are the problem. They are working for OPEC, not for you.
    Don't forget the new oil discovery in Utah. Lots of oil there. The feds just have to be willing to loosen up regulations.鈥?/a>
    Converting coal to gas is a viable option ( and there is lots of it in the US ) along with ethanol, both of which can be used with current diesel and gasoline engines. More nuclear power generating plants, windmills ( especially affordable ';personal'; windmills for the home), solar, trash to steam plants, as well as power plants that derived energy from human and animal excrement. Outlawing incandescent light bulbs, and low mileage autos, auto manufactures should not be allowed to average their MPG's, start out at min. 20 mpg and increase by 5mpg every year until we hit 60 to 80 mpg. One and two seat vehicles for the work commute, mandatory 5 passengers for 6 and higher capacity autos. Perhaps a vehicle that has dual ';sections'; ( one/two seats for work and errand commute, add on section for family) Geothermal heating and cooling for both private homes and public buildings, solar panels on every roof. I could probably think of more.
    some things have to be given up at some stage, and i think the car is the prime candidate. under a free market, oil won't run out, it'll just get more and more expensive until it becomes a luxury item and the rich still drive while the poor depend on alternative means.

    something must also be done about the amount of plastics used and discarded too. oil is literally being processed and then just being thrown back underground in the form of bags, bottles and packaging. it makes no sense.
    Conservation in all areas. However, not many are going to be willing to make or legislate that kind of sacrifice.
    Teleportation. Much more realistic than conservation
    Kill the pigs who keep us dependent on fossil fuel and search for alternatives. Stop driving SUVs.
    What's wrong with solar cells? For the half trillion dollars flushed down the Iraqi toilet, every house in America could have had them. And there's no excuse why electric cars can't be the norm. It's just a matter of time. One thing for sure, oil is going to run out.
    Well, developing an affordable, alternative technology to gas engines is the answer - period.

    We're not going to give up cars.
    Sadly, even if we do increase drilling in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico and increase our efficiency market for oil is a world market and the price is dependent on the world market. For example, right now according to the Dept of Energy, approx 95% of all the natural gas used in the US actually comes from here in the US and can be made cheaper and transported easier here. However, since gas companies can make more money by selling it abroad they will sell it abroad and keep the profit.

    Also, don't forget that although there are currently alternatives for petroleum based fuels there are currently very few alternatives for certain types of petroleum based lubricants used in industrial machinery.

    Solar power technology is still so expensive that in most cases it is still cheaper to use the current sources of energy. Plus, many parts of the US do not receive enough sunny days to ever replace fossil fuels as a source of energy.

    With the crude oil prices falling, will the airline companies ever stop with the 1st baggage fee?

    If crude oil prices continue to fall and stay around a hundred per barrel, shouldn't airlines stop charging for check-in baggage? I could understand if you carry more than 2 check-in baggages but with just one check-in baggage... Wasn't that the main reason why airlines started charging for check-in luggage in the first place? Cause of high oil prices!With the crude oil prices falling, will the airline companies ever stop with the 1st baggage fee?
    You have to understand that the airlines have lost a lot of money so they will probably keep the 1st baggage fee in place to try to recuperate money that they have lost since 2001 which is in the billions. Even if oil was at $100 a barrel, that is still pretty high for the airlines to pay. I don't think their financial models allow them to make money if oil is at a certain price.With the crude oil prices falling, will the airline companies ever stop with the 1st baggage fee?
    Airlines must use lots of feul these days when feul is geting expensive!!! ? Report Abuse

    i know Report Abuse

    I wouldn't count on it-especially since airlines are not doing very well right now and are looking to pick up money wherever possible.
    No US airline other than SouthWest was profitable back when oil was $40 per barrel. They are not going to stop with these fees. If they do, they will just roll them into ticket prices.
    they should... but they prob wont

    Can I use olive oil to help stop static cling on my cat? She seems uncomfortable at times. HELP!?

    When we go to pet her, sometimes there's a shock and she seems to become so uncomfortable, that she runs and hides. I heard that you can either use lotion or a dryer sheet but I'm concerned about the chemicals. I figured it would be safer and also healthier to use a teaspoon of olive oil on her coat. Is that ok?Can I use olive oil to help stop static cling on my cat? She seems uncomfortable at times. HELP!?
    Its fine, but it may be better if you put the oil into her food instead of rubbing it on her (not to mention she wouldn't be getting oil all over the place). It should reduce the static and make her fur soft and shiny. Fish oil, if you can get it, is even better for their coats.Can I use olive oil to help stop static cling on my cat? She seems uncomfortable at times. HELP!?
    Lotion would work (Unscented)
    are you wearing shoes with rubber soles and do you have a lot of carpet? i heard that the friction creates the static cling and i'm sure the kitty isn't creating much friction... so maybe you can see what causes it and start from there...

    good luck!
    Please dont use lotion unless its designed for cats, which I doubt there is one on the market. There are things in lotion that the cat will ingest when she licks herself. A humidifer is your safest and most logical choice. It will be good for you and your cat's breathing to increase the moisture in the air.
    Go ahead and try a little olive oil, it won't harm her, but do be careful of how much you put on and where she's allowed to rest until you see what effect it has/how well it absorbs. You don't want olive oil stains on your furniture. :)

    If you want to try lotion, just look for one designed for babies or those with allergies (fragrance-free, etc.) to minimize what she's ingesting if she licks it off.
    Funny you should ask this. I have one cat that has fur, and we have this problem. (I have 3 SPHYNX)

    Use a humidifier, the air in your home is very dry, which causes static. That way you won't have to worry about chemicals, at all.
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  • How do you stop oil leak?

    oil is leaking. do i just go in to the dealer shop and fix it? or can i fix it by myself? please help. i drive civic 2000 LX. 96000 milesHow do you stop oil leak?
    Go to the dealer shop to fully repair your car..How do you stop oil leak?
    you need to find where the leak is comng from and start from there, if its a simple fix like replacing a gasket them do it your self but if its more complex like, but if its a craked block then you might be in trouble of buying a new engine, this question wouled be easier if you knew where the leak is coming from to begin with
    Depends on where it is leaking from. Since a 2000 model we can assume there is some pressure under the valve cover. Might replace PCV valve and check tightness of bolts on cover. Most oil leaks will get worse over time. A leak at the back of engine or bottom can mean some pretty expensive repairs unless your a good shade tree mechanic. Snake oil remedy's rarely work with this type of problem.
    well it depends on wether you would class yourself as capable of fixing the leak or not, where is it coming from would be a start because some oil leaks just arent worth fixing until they are really really bad like the rear crank seal, it takes seconds to change the seal but you first need to remove the gearbox and clutch to get to it which can cost hundreds and if it is just a few drops is it worth it
    oil pan yes,valve cover yes,rear main seal no,front main seal no has a online manual with step by step and diagrams to help you

    Where can i find about oil fields at Kazakhstan that was closed(stop developing) because it contains H2S?

    I am looking for information about oil fields that stopped developing at Kazakhstan because it contains H2S(hydrogen sulfur).

    At those days developers close the fields,but nowadays they try to open it(developing it) back because now they have special treatment that is called Sulfur Recovery Unit.Where can i find about oil fields at Kazakhstan that was closed(stop developing) because it contains H2S?
    I don't know for sure, but I do know that sour gas (sulfuric acid gas) is not uncommon in oil fields. Sulfur is a major constituent of organic molecules that is released during the chemical evolution of oil.

    Why have evil oil company executives decided to stop punishing Americans?

    Oil and gasoline prices have collapsed since the summer, when oil was well over $150 and gas north of $4 per gallon. There are some people who think this collapse is due to supply / demand factors in the marketplace, but that is obviously not the case. The obvious reason is that greedy, fat cat oil executives simply decided that they no longer wanted to be greedy and punish American consumers. Why did they decide to stop being so greedy?Why have evil oil company executives decided to stop punishing Americans?
    Amazing how you rationalize the obvious into this irrational rant. It is supply and demand plain and simple.

    If it was the evil supply executives, all the oil producing nations would simply reduce their production. These low oil prices are not in their financial interest.Why have evil oil company executives decided to stop punishing Americans?
    Gas is a commidity like everything else !! Remeber when coffee prices and orange prices went through the roof becasue of bad harvests? What did people do ? they switched to tea or apples etc! Same with gas ! Price went up we stopped driving so much and the price and demand went down! capitalism is not greed its the free market at work ! I wonder how much gas prices would be if Congress and their environmental masters would have allowed new refineries and drilling over a decade ago or nuke power for that matter ! Dont blame an industry because someone else is strangling the suppy.
    I think they were testing us to see how much they could raise the prices before we reacted. I don't think they are done toying with us by any means. Their little ';test'; told them what they wanted to know.

    During the price gouging that was going on, I saw a front page article in the Houston Chronicle that announced ';NOTHING Has Driven the Price of Oil to a New High'; - I thought to myself ';yea, look at this, our media actually telling us the truth, for a change, and we're STILL buying the BS the oil cartel is shoveling at us and no one seems to care.';

    Count on it, they'll be baaaaccckkkk.
    They have no choice. A barrel of Oil is now like 50 dollars or something like that. The demand for gas is lower, because people arent going to buy 4 dollar gas. Hence, to make profit, and get people to buy thier gas, they lower the price. They want people to start driving again, and then gas will go back up. Continue to car pool or whatever, and gas will go under a dollar.

    The investors drove the price up and the investors have let it fall. If you graph the stock market and the price of a barrel of oil you will see an amazing similarity.
    Hm, well I thought you had applied the sarcasm pretty heavily...

    It's the holidays! They decided to give us a break! :P

    Nah, really, it is a decline in demand... Everyone's cutting back. :)
    The world does not revolve around your country. Also, many 'greedy fat cat oil executives' ARE American.
    In hopes that everyone go lazily go back to their old habits and stop the aggressive search for alternative sources. OOOOPPPSSS. Too late.

    That was a fairy tale created to get Obama and Pelosi votes
    Because when Cheney and Bush aren't around to help fund their masquerade, they need to make new friends!
    Hint: I still have my oil stocks, and if you think the greed has stopped, wait awhile
    because they found out that people know how to conserve when the time comes
    The goose ain't laying any more golden eggs.
    Come on... it isn't that they decided to stop punishing us, it is that we stood up for ourselves by changing our habits. More unemployed people also drops demand as they don't have to drive to work anymore. And of course, don't forget about the 2008 farm bill that undermined the speculative trading of oil futures.

    With the Democratic interest in windfall profits tax and Congressional investigations into the impacts of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, the speculators and producers that saw quite fantastic profits for several years decided it was time to loosen the noose.... kind of a like a child with his hand in the cookie jar hearing his mother come down the stairs.

    The CFMA, passed by the Republican House and Senate in 2000 WITHOUT ANY DEBATE, created a separate trading board that did not have regulation under the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. This was strongly advocated by the now bankrupt Enron as a method and means to manipulate energy prices. As a result, tremendous volatility was introduced into the market, which allowed prices to spiral upwards for several years due to a self-fulfilling cycle of greater profits and concerns about punditry beating the drum of $5/gallon gas and $200 per barrel oil.

    Perhaps coincidentally, the maximum price in oil occurred: at the same point where the maximum volume occurred in this non-regulated board; and it was the point when trading on the non-regulated board surpassed the trading on the CFTC regulated board.

    The so-called ';Enron Loophole'; was closed in June 2008 with the passage of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. This bill was passed by Congress, vetoed by President Bush, and then over-ridden by Congress. The bill received Republican support because the writing was on the wall that several of the deregulations pushed through in 2000 and 2001 were causing serious problems in the US economy... and they wanted to get re-elected (my take). The Bill went into effect in mid-July 2008 and since that point, gas prices have dropped over $1.40 per gallon.

    When is the USA going to stop using military force to secure oil reserves?

    We have had 100 years of oil wars. Oil has 15 years to run. Better find some other reason to justify the 50% GDP spend on the Pentagon...When is the USA going to stop using military force to secure oil reserves?
    I keep hearing the knee-jerk reactionaries like Hannity, O'Reilly rail against the dreaded Liberals, and any form of Socialism; meanwhile no one seems to notice that this is Communism in reverse. The government didn't take over business, business took over what we laughingly call government. Want oil, steal a country; need an army, maybe your crony has one, Insurance guy; pass a law or two; you say a guy you know makes wooden arrows, sure give him a fortune to carry him over, times are tough in the wooden arrow racket. When is the USA going to stop using military force to secure oil reserves?
    Prove it.

    A half truth does not make the truth. The left enjoys stating something over and over again until it becomes the truth. A Stalinist tactic.

    The part that is the truth is that most of our oil is foreign.

    The other part of the truth is that the left hates oil. So much so that they will not allow drilling in most of regions in the USA that are oil rich.

    It's all part of the lefts happy march toward socialism.
    No. Bad analysis. (America has plenty of oil). America uses military force for military objectives, and war is politics by other means. The balance of power in the Middle East might have something to do with the events of the last few years, and also a certain other country which (like Afghanistan) has no oil whatsoever.

    Apart from the total lack of interest shown by the US in the Afghani oil industry, you might like to reconfigure that 'oil has 15 years' assessment. Oil does not have 15 years. Oil ran out in 1995, I know this because my geography teachers told me it would, back in the 1970's. When I was young and simple too.
    When the politicians actually get their behinds in gear and work on alternative solutions, as well as offshore drilling in OUR territory.
    they wont thats just their attitude 'yee haw lets get me some oil ma'...things dont reall work like that in the real world and you get problems like in the middle east

    So the war in Iraq really has nothing to with oil? It's all to stop supposed religion based terrorism?

    Um, Yeah do you remember 9/11!? The thing that the liberal media wants America to believe is that they never found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The truth is that they did not find weapons of mass destruction, but they found the supplies and tools to make weapons in Iraq! I do not know who told you we invaded Iraq for Oil, but they are dead wrong.

    We invaded Iraq in a land-side vote both Democrats and Republicans. We got Saddam out, Chemical Ali out, killed a heck of a lot of terrorists, and broke up many terrorists organizations and connections. Everyone knows that the Iraq people lives are so much better now then they were in 2001, thats why they smashed that statue of Saddam. Don't people get it! I am not a veteran, but I can guarentee you this is not wasteful war and I am certainly proud of those who sacrificed for our freedom! So the war in Iraq really has nothing to with oil? It's all to stop supposed religion based terrorism?
    Iraq was an R%26amp;R stop for terrorists, including those from organizations that attacked us on 9/11. Iraq had over 400 tons of yellow cake uranium. Iraq had weapons banned by the UN following their invasion of Kuwait. Iraq had bunkers full of sarin gas. In short, all those reasons we were given for invading were far more accurate than the press would have you believe.

    As for the war over oil angle, the US does not import significant quantities of oil from Iraq. Iraqi oil is most often sold to Europe and southern Asia. That argument doesn't flush.

    The war on terror is against those who pose a threat to the US without regard to their religious motives or positions. Those who want to kill Americans are targeted. Doesn't matter if they are Muslin, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Budhist, etc. Doesn't matter which side of the border they occupy. We will hunt them down and eliminate them where ever and when ever we can.

    Even to protect you.So the war in Iraq really has nothing to with oil? It's all to stop supposed religion based terrorism?
    No. It all ';has to do'; with making money immediately or in the foreseeable future. That is the basic reasoning to all US foreign policy in the last few decades. Oil is part of that picture in Iraq. Some would say that the US invasion of Iraq is ';religion based terrorism';. So, basically this is not the place where a complete picture can be obtained. I recommend wikipedia readings and one of the books featured on The Daily Show (huge selection not sure which one, from the last two months).
    The reasons for our military offensive in Iraq can be found in the link below. Start reading after the first ';whereas';. The terrorists are not ';religion-based';. Although they purport to be devout Muslims, they also follow the heretical doctrine of ';Takfir'; and believe it is alright for Muslim to kill Muslim. Their tactics of killing women and children, along with the adherence to Takfir, are a Harram (an offense against the Koran). Simply put, they are the Ku Klux Klan of Islam.
    That's Afghanistan. Iraq was to take Saddam out of power on the basis of his character and the proposed weapons of mass destruction.
    wow you people will be the cause of the downfall of western civ

    you guys think your so much smarter than everyone else when in reality your just arrogant egomaniacs thinking you are better than everyone

    thank you leadhead

    Can my car stop running if the oil light comes on?

    the truck is 4 months old. the % of oil and the little wrench light came on this morning while i was driving to work. i added two bottles of oil and now i'm concerned that the car could break down on my way home. i have about 50 miles to drive. the oil is scheduled to be changed tomorrow.Can my car stop running if the oil light comes on?
    you should probably add more oil, but maybe get it changedCan my car stop running if the oil light comes on?
    i hope you checked the oil level before you added oil. That little wrench is letting you know that service is due not you ran out of oil. Just because you oil life is at 0% you still have oil-just needs to be changed. When I went on a road-trip last year I was 1,000 miles past due when I had my oil changed. No problem-what would you do it you did not have that oil life reminder.
    The % oil light on new vehicles tell you how long it is before you need to change the oil, not how much oil is left. You need to check the oil level before you add oil to the engine because you don't want to overfill it. Take it to you dealer or mechanic to have the oil changed and they will reset the light when they do that.
    the car will still be able to run for a short time, it will just damage the engine if you continue to drive it with poor oil quality. I know this because my car ran for a long time but it just damaged the engine and quit running, but that took a few weeks... i learned the hard way. But dont worry, you have a while to get it done, its not like as soon as it turn on you cant use it
    Read your OWNERS MANUAL, the light is your oil life monitor telling you its time to change oil, NOT ADD.

    Make sure the oil change place resets the life monitor.

    Should low oil pressure occur you will get a red critical light and a constant audio warning. Low oil pressure can cause the engine to die.
    Don't you hate worrying about that?!?!!? That's a horrible feeling...been there many times wondering if you are going to make it. I truly believe that you will make it and be ok especially since you put the new oil in. Good luck sister!

    Since the car/truck is so might just be a computer glitch or something. You will be fine.
    4 mos old and you have a problem id be at the dealer and not at work... you have a big problem and a oil change will not help that you have a leak no need in doing a oil change if you have to keep adding oil its a big waste of money fix the leak and then have the oil change
    Check the oil before you leave to make sure you don't have a huge leak. As long as there is oil, you should be able to make it home.
    If your truck is that new, it won't break down. The only thing ignoring the oil light can do is reduce the life of the truck, due to wear and tear.
    Learn how to use the dipstick. You can do as much damage with TOO MUCH oil as too Little.
    If you added the oil, then you are probably fine for your drive home tonight.
    When the oil light comes on, there is not always a problem with the system. Most people confuse it with a bad oil pump. Actually it is an indication that there might be a low pressure situation in the engine's lubrication system.

    Here they are, and what to do about them:

    1. Low oil level.

    This would be the obvious first thing to check. Make sure there are no leaks, too. Especially at a front or rear main oil seal. If oil is coming out of either of these, the PCV system needs to be inspected for clogged hoes, or a sticking closed valve.

    2. Engine idle speed not fast enough.

    If the engine is turning too slow, so is the oil pump. The oil pump only turns 1/2 the speed of the crankshaft, on most engines. If it is not turning fast enough, the system will never build up enough pressure to work properly. Check the IAC. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the brake booster, and see if the engine runs better and the light goes off.

    3. Short in the wiring or guage circuit.

    This is a very simple 'system'. There is a sender, one wire, and a guage. To test the system, make sure the wire isn't broken or shorted, by checking for continuity at both ends of the wire, and no continuity from the wire to a ground source (the car body). Continuity to a ground source will indicate a short in the wire. Continuity in the wire only will lead you to test the sender.

    4. Faulty oil pressure sender.

    Testing the sender is done by removing it from the engine and putting in a mechanical oil pressure guage. This is to test the system for an actual low pressure situation. If there is sufficient oil pressure, then the sender is bad. If there is a low pressure situation in the engine, that's not good.

    5. Worn engine bearings and/or oil pump.

    If you had a low pressure reading on the guage, then there is something wrong inside the engine. Basically, as long as the engine isn't knocking, ticking, or rattling, changing the oil pump will fix it.

    But you have to realize that there are about 40 check valves in the lubrication system, and any one of them could be sticking open. That's why I recommend cleaning the system out. There is a chemical called Rislone. It is an engine lubrication system cleaner. It will break loose the sludge, and help restore oil pressure caused from clogged oil gallery passages.
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