Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do you think the government can help stop the addiction to oil?

I am asking the American people what, do you all think the government can do to help stop the addiction to oil?How do you think the government can help stop the addiction to oil?
Put someone in charge who's financial interest IS NOT in oil.How do you think the government can help stop the addiction to oil?
Make incentives (affordable) to middle and low income families to purchase Hybrid vehicles, Solar power in homes.
I think that we need to start seriously researching and moving toward alternative fuels. We need to find the technology to make alternative fuels efficient and cost effective. We also need to improve gas mileage on vehicles. I don't care what happens, people are still going to drive SUVs and pickups. We also need to improve public transportation. We need to make it an option for people. Go to Europe and they have great public transportation, but here in America, or at least in the West, public transportation sucks.

The only real way to stop the addiction to oil, and I can't believe I am saying this, is to hit people where it hurts the most, the pocketbook. We have known about alternative fuels, global warming, the volatility of the Middle East, and the negatives associated with fossil fuels for years, but we didn't do anything about it. Now that gas is sky high, people are saying why aren't we using alternative fuels and have cars with better gas mileage. My thinking is that the only way to truly stop people from using oil is to make it as expensive as it is in Europe and the rest of the world. As much as I hate the thought of paying more money at the pump, it is the only real way to get a nation of capitalists to stop and take notice.
brazil has already answered this question by going to ethanol fueled cars!!! what the hell is our hold up?
The problem isn't that this nation is addicted to oil. It's that this nation's leaders are addicted oil money. Also, I suppose these same leaders may believe the delightfully sedate structure of our society is somehow dependent on cheap gas, and they might be right. At any rate, a big step would be voting for candidates who take strong stands for energy independence and conservation and then holding them to their word.
hey look dude the oil thing is nothing but a scam. this is why we have so many problems in our country. we rip our own people off. oil will never run out. its constantly made. goverment knows that everyone relies on oil more than anything in the world so they clame were running low. its all part of supply and demand. i hope this is the real bush. i hope everyone reads this. Americia scams its own. thats like stealing from your mama. thats lol man. when people figure it out mabey we can make the gas price go down. we will never run out of oil.
Replacing Oil By Other Clean Energies Like Hydrogen
your not george bush


you should make a system that rewards the gas stations that sell E85 ethanol and the people that buy flex fuel vehicles and ethanol. thats the only way you are going to end gasonline. otherwise dont even think about it. too many people are greedy for money so thats the only way anything its ending gas.

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find alternatives
no one wants to hear use green energy...

they just need to find something even more capitolist for them to get fingers on and forget about oil... they need to get a jumpstart on tomarrow.. think for a change instead of doing what others before them did to get their big bucks. IF they stopped messing around with oil, they could find something else that people need... like put air in a bag and charge people to breath.

I looked on an Ozarka Mountain Spring water bottle and to my horror it said, houston city municiple water...

they are taking city tap water and selling it..

it tasted like houston water too..

boy they got them a game goin

they are playin hard..

sellin houston city water...

I guess no one reads to see where it comes from....

That is a low down dirty shame they can sell City water to us and not create a stink...

we could run cars on hemp fuel... but NOOO..

we are afraid of potheads... and we wont be able to test to arrest users..

Which is more important...

a replenishable fuel source.... or arresting pot heads....

if you had a choice between never ending fuel and arresting all the potheads.. which would it be, which is gonna make it harder to live..

having pot heads around or paying 5 bucks a gallon?
WEll you could try enviormentaly friendly? I hat you for starting this war, grrrrr. Srry major Demo peace.
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first of all the to the person who is posing as george bush dont, its stupid and your making yourself look like the biggest asshole in the world right now.

As answer to your question, stop making war over oil, use other natural resources or create something, stop making oil seem so expendable, or that you can use it for everything
So I think everyone can agree Americans need to live more ';green'; but is it up to the gov't to demand we do the moral thing? My advice for you, Mr. Pres: Lead by example. Show us how to be more green. Isn't knowledge always the answer when you get right down to it.

These are the leaders we elected, right? We knew where their allegiance lay when we cast (or didn't cast) our vote. Looking for a place put the blame is pointless.
Ethanol %26amp; Hydrogen Fuel!
I dont think its the governments responsibility to stop ';our'; addiction to oil. We are not children, afterall. We are the ones addicted, not the government, and they are not our parents. The american people love their big cars, truck, suvs, and I dont know about you, but even with high gas prices I havent seen anybody driving less or slower, have you?

Americans want high paying city jobs, but choose to live in the burbs. Americans are greedy and luxury driven, and we set up our lives to be wasteful. We are doing nothing to conserve, and even the oil companies know we will pay whatever amount they charge in the end. $5.00 per gal, sure we'll ***** about it, but we'll pay it, and still drive fast and often. We wont quit our city job either, nor make our kids walk the 4 blocks to school. No, sir, our precious darlings might get head exhaustion in the summer or wet in the winter.

Americans love to pass the buck on to government, and government loves to play the part of the parent. I think americans will never realize the fact that Government cannot do all things. Some things we have to do ourselves.
When you're ready to listen, ask Al Gore. He's made a movie about it, you don't even have to read anything.
Make good on the promises to fund alternative fuel research. Stop giving tax breaks to SUV owners. Start giving tax breaks to the owners of fuel efficient cars. Start putting money into mass transit systems.
My answer is rather simple yet complicated.... We have a lot of research going into alternative fuels yet we(world) still manufacture and sell oil burning devices.. Why not simply introduce more types of alternative fuel devices into the market and offer the people the option for a very small fee the ability to convert their existing oil burning devices over to these cleaner and cheaper means They will be cheaper to the public once installed and we will be able to gradually or maybe quickly give Americans and even our own economy a chance to recover from the high cost of oil... I know quite a few individuals the are just plain sick to death of paying high gas prices and wish they had a cheaper way to get to work and back without most of their pay going to the gas station down the street.. In my area electric prices have jump up in cost by a very large amount and even though my household I'm useing less electric than a year ago we are paying the same if not more for it's usage.. Now electric has to be produced and I know it's produced mostly from fossil fuels. Why on earth don't these companies convert over to a cheaper means so the public doesn't get hit from all directions from high oil cost. At present rate of consumption the world will eventually run out of oil and then where will we all be ... heres where we will be stuck with all these oil burning devices and no oil to burn and all our efforts to research alternative fuel would have been wasted and now we will be back in the stone-age waiting for something to be manufactured that will replace everything on earth that once burned oil. Oh and yes these same companies will have no way to make anything new because right now it takes oil in manufacturing to produce and deliver their goods.

I believe this post to be within the yahoo guidelines so please don't delete it.
Provide funding for alternative fuel research and prohibit the big oil companies from buying people off. I had heard someone had invented an engine that ran on water, but he was paid a great amount of money by one of the oil companies, for the plans and his silence.
the government shouldn't be the one doing it in the first place

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