Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why won't the federal government stop the oil companies from gouging us?

it amazes me that by law, the oil companies are required to post their yearly profits....every year they bank profits in the billions...why won't the government stop their greed and give us a break?Why won't the federal government stop the oil companies from gouging us?
The big oil companies, Mobil, Chevron, Standard, etc. are allied with the government. They give huge tax breaks and subsidies to oil companies which in turn pay royalties to the government. Even foreign owned companies have their hands in our pockets. George Bush was an example of how closely tied the government is with big oil.Why won't the federal government stop the oil companies from gouging us?
Oil money put a lot of those in the federal government in office (helped pay for campaigns), Also, it is a well known fact that President George Bush is an oil man (and therefore sympathizes with oil company interests) and his family has been into oil for decades.
Because the helped putting bush in office.
Because the oil companies own the federal government.
because theyre making money from it
I plan to deal with that very issue if I am elected. The oil companies use some of the enormous profits that they make to lobby lawmakers to maintain the status quo so that they can continue to keep making enormous profits.

This has been going on for a long time. This kind-of lobbying can have serious consequences as US foreign policy is dictated by these lawmakers who have been paid off by the oil companies.

In addition, instead of representing their home districts, these lawmakers end up representing special interests (the people who are throwing money at them) and consequently, the people are not represented which makes this not a democracy anymore but a kind-of dictatorship with the oil companies and other corporations in charge.

The war in Iraq is a perfect example of this. For the most part, this war was decided on by lawmakers, paid off by the oil companies, as a way to potentially attain more oil unfortunately at the expense of 4000+ lives. Sure a small part of the reason to go to war was stabillity in Iraq, terrorism, etc., but the main reason was for oil and we have two big oil lawmaker in office - Bush and Cheney.

There is really only one solution to this corporate stranglehold on American that has gone on for at least 50 years now.

It is a radical solution but it is the way it used to be and the way the founding fathers had intended.

That is - all congressional jobs including representatives, senators, etc., need to be single term volunteer jobs. It used to be this way. Successful individuals would give back to the community by volunteering in these positions for a single term.

Since they were volunteers, money, donations, lobbyists, corruption would not enter the picture and these lawmaker would truly represent the people in their district. This is what a real democracy should be like and it was this way for the first 100 years in America.

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