Sure there is. You can go online TODAY and retro-fit your car for E85. Petition your local city council to start a local ethanol production system. Write to your local gas stations too, put a big bumper sticker on your car that says ';I only use gas becase I HAVE to';. Also, there's car-pooling, van-pooling, walking, bicycling, motorcycling (1/2 the gas, same distance covered),
tele-work, moving closer to your job, there's all KINDS of answers, including religiously taking care of your car, or getting a new smaller car. Ya gotta dig deep sometimes for the right answers, this is one of the times to be thinking about them....where there's a will, there's a way...whatever you do, don't buy gas at Citgo! LOLOLHow do we stop oil dollars going to terrorist funders and dictators if dems block drilling here?
You mean Saudis aren't getting money?
Change energy sources in dramatic way. EEStor is producing a lightweight battery with big and quick storage capacity that could really rival the internal combustion engine.
Problem is, anytime you reduce oil dollars going to the Middle East or other countries the U.S. doesn't like, you are also reducing profits for domestic oil industry interests.
You're right. Some or our dollars spent offshore are bound to find their way into terrorists' pockets and dictators' Swiss bank accounts, regardless of whether we're spending them for oil, charity, or tourism. However, we CAN and MUST develop our own energy independence in less than 20 years We're beginning to do just that, with upgraded refineries and pipelines to handle tar-sand oil from Canada. We're starting to build coal-to-liquid fuel plants. .We're successfully drilling farther out and deeper in the Gulf of Mexico. We're continually bringing in more on-shore oil and gas wells, and we're moving ahead with large-scale wind farms. From what I read, it looks like we will have accomplished a great deal by 2010-2012. Meanwhile, EVERY American can help by reducing energy waste. Try a few spiral fluorescent lamps at home, office or store. These can cut your lighting energy requirement by 75%.
If they want to drill fine but only if they pass a substantial C.A.F.E. standard increase first, because if they just drill all that's going to happen is everyone will go back to driving big a-- trucks until we're in crisis mode again, then what, oil is a finite resource and an increasingly expensive one, both financially and politically and we need to wheen ourselves of it. As far as alternate technologies I know of one that was squashed by the oil companies ( I believe it was from Volvo ) and I have a patent on a next generation hybrid drive system that's buildable with current technology but I haven't had to much luck getting someone interested in it, except for the invention scamers that is. I'll say it again as a country we desperatly need to get the oil monkey off our backs but I've seen people say they don't care how expensive oil gets they won't give up their trucks, so maybe we deserve what we get because we can't get our heads out of our butts.
is that worse than the republicans giving them cash under the table??
Leave the oil we own in the ground. That way we will own oil when all of theirs is gone.
I've found success using fry grease from fast food chains to run in my diesel. Put the words, ';SVO'; or ';WVO'; in a search engine to find out more information. I converted my car for about $230. Now all my fuel is literally free and I am recycling the oil. My local Wendy's produces about 14 gallons a week, enough for my needs.
This means you have to buy a diesel, but it may be worth it.
Also, Big Fish Publishing ( has a helpful book out called, ';Basics of Energy Efficient Living.'; It's more about home energy but gives some good information about what you're up against.
Hope this helps.
I like drilling laura.
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