What realistic recourse would the US have?What would happen if oil producing countries decided to stop exporting oil to the USA as a form of sanctions?
Chi- Hypocrite, Nothing Federal reserves, and with us Drilling our own reserve Anwar in Alaska, and off the coast of New Orleans would create jobs and we would be self sufficient. Besides Saudi and the rest of the middle east are not stupid, as this question, The U.S. consumes the most oil in the world, there are not about to stop selling oil to the biggest customer business 101. Also with drilling our own oil, we would able to develop and work harder on alternate energy resources.
Again are you going to delete this question as you do the others if there not answered the way you want. Chi- I used to really enjoy our debates but lately your man love for Obama has really turned our debates sour bro.What would happen if oil producing countries decided to stop exporting oil to the USA as a form of sanctions?
We stop making requests and start giving ultimatums. If they wish to stop exporting to the U. S., we can arrange for them to not export to anyone. We buy most of our oil from Canada and Mexico, so we can annex them.
It would also force our do-nothing Congress to get off of their dead a$$es and open up American oil-fields to drilling and production, and the construction of new refineries.
The bad guys own the oil companies and control the oil market, what the oil producing countries sell, and the media. Big oil tells OPEC what to do, not the other way around. Oil producing countries need the money as bad or worse than you and I need our income. If the oil producing countries stopped exporting oil it would be because Exxon/Mobil and the other big oil companies told them to stop exporting oil.
First of all, since these countries love their profit from the exports, it's doubtful that they'd impose sanctions. But, for the sake of argument, we'd come to a grinding halt in the short term. BUT, it would force us to do what we SHOULD have been doing for the last 20 years...drilling our own, building refineries, and building nuclear energy plants.
First, if it happened during GWB's term, he would have a hissy fit. Truly I am suprised this has not happened yet. But, if it did, guess you would be riding your bicycle an awful lot. It would force the US to REALLY work on alternative fuel sources other than biofuel. I woul dhave to say I am dang glad I have horses... :)
I guess it would be hard to really predict recourse without knowing what we would be sanctioned for.
Civil war. Fed against Sierra Club!
Actually it would be economically idiotic for those nations to cut us off from oil. Because we are one of the largest demanders. The only reason they would do it is if our country was very unstable and they were planning on overrunning it.
There are plenty of options but it really depends on who your President is. This has happend before. The President then was Jimmy Carter. He did nothing and we waited for hours in long lines for two to four gallons of gas if we could manage to find a gas station that had any.
They would start a depression that would cause them economic disaster. Our recourse would to go to nuclear power plants. We could have them up and running in a matter of a year with effort, and we would empty our reserves, OPEC would never recover.
None...but they would also see a huge dip in the profits, if they have any profits left. That alone is a disincentive for them not to do what you mention.
Maybe we would finally stop listening to liberal environmentalists. Their lobby is what set this scenario up making us dependent on our enemies for our energy.
Change investments from oil companies to NIKE. US would become a more healthy nation.
We might get off our butts and really invest in alternate energy sources.
That would be a direct threat to US national interests and an act of war. Bombs would be landing on various Presidential Palaces throughout OPEC nations.
Their dumbasses would probably go broke! Then maybe the liberal media would realize that it's time they stop b*tching and let us DRILL FOR OIL IN OUR OWN COUNTRY!
less then 13 percent is brought in from those countries, so if they do that we can cut off the billions they allg et and see who cries out first
It's not happening yet, but they are bringing America down without firing a shot. Brilliant strategy.
We should learn to play nicey nice with our neighbors. Our bullying is coming back to bite us in the @sss.
It would never happen. We are their best customers! They make a mint from our oil-consuming ways
War. And China would take over the world. Like they have us.
All out WAR!
Well those country's would be poor pretty fast and we would have to drill our own oil.
We'd bomb the hell out of them. That's how this administration deals with foreigners.
drill here at home maybe?
sh!t can ALL democrats and that could be done
world war 3
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