Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why is whales is murder if green peace can stop oil tankers?

I mean its only natural for animals to kill no murder just survival If a game?Why is whales is murder if green peace can stop oil tankers?
Animals kill to survive, not to get fuel for lamps.Why is whales is murder if green peace can stop oil tankers?
Are you retarded? Take an English class!
There is no murder in the animal kingdom, just like there is no law. They kill to survive. People think if an animal kills a man it has gone nuts, that's not the case. they were starving or hungry and that was the only form of meat around. Still, some animals may seem smart but they are not as smart as us. They can be taught tricks and fun things but they are not smart enough to build a car or fan. They don't need natural oils or gases only meat and water. But we are murdering animals for messing up the water. The cycle is, We pollute, Animal drinks, animal dies. So we are the ones murdering animals. Even dolphins aren't smart enough to make underwater paper mache are they? Animals just have instincts. All we are doing is policing the world and it's animals, and all they can do is try to save themselves by attacking the captors... sigh... sorry about that

Sorry but I didn't understand a word you said, so I just winged it... take an english class
You need to work on your grammer and spelling! Then I might think about giving your question an answer. Stay in school buddy!
What does this have to do with Military questions. Sorry I can't make heads or tales of your question.

But unless I'm mistaken whale oil was stop being harvested when the light bulb was created and put into production. Also I don't think Green Peace try to stop Oil Tankers on their runs as they have bigger fish (so to speak) to fry such as the Nuke test in the Pacific Island's by France, the Japanese killing whales for so called scientific tests (which might be what your questions about?).
what!?! english please
What the Hell does this have to do with the Military?

Screw the whales

Stupidest Question yet here this week

last I looked, tankers are not alive.

The reason Greenpuke hassles oil tankers is because oil handling is sloppy; see Exxon Valdez.

Save the whales.

Collect the whole set.
Because if the oil tankers rear end the whales and give them aids,then the animals would murder green piss if they servive the game.
Dude, your english is seriously rock bottom.

-Y!A, posterchild of the net on the need for better education
i dont understand the question but i`m sure it has nothing to do with the military
Nuke the whales!

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