Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What can you put on a newborns skin and hair to stop dry patches besides Johnson's lotion or oil?

visiting nurse said to use olive oil... it works greatWhat can you put on a newborns skin and hair to stop dry patches besides Johnson's lotion or oil?
Go with Johnson %26amp; Johnson baby lotion all over your baby's body each day, %26amp; especially after a bath or sponge bath. A little bit of baby oil, on a cotton ball, will help loosen up the ';cradle cap'; on the baby's head, but don't rub to hard or use too much.What can you put on a newborns skin and hair to stop dry patches besides Johnson's lotion or oil?
olive oil or also try the lansinoh nipple cream it works great for chapped lips too and is hypoallergenic
try all natural Palmer's cocoa butter it smells nice and is natural and it work great for my son's craddle cap
I used Aveeno baby lotion in the beginning.
Ask your pediatrician.. It might be something other than just dry skin. It may be seboreha. That needs a special type of topical ointment.. Have the doctor check the baby out. asap.. Good Luck with your new bundle of joy!
You might try mineral oil or even better olive oil. It has been used as a softener even recommended at times. There is virtually no scent with olive oil. I use it myself.
I found aquius cream was good you can wash them in it aswell.
Try huggies sensitive formula or Aveeno has alot of good products...
Vaseline for the body. Recommended by a pediatric dermatologist for my daughter's nasty eczema. It is gross and messy, but it has worked wonders. None of the other procucts we tried helped (Johnson's, Aveeno, etc.) We've been using vaseline for about a year now. Put it on right after a bath. I've started using it on my 4 year old for his winter dry skin lately and his has also almost cleared up.

We got a prescription for our daughter's cradle cap, but I found that a good dollop of olive oil rubbed into the scalp and left for 10 - 15 minutes with a cheap cotton hat (to protect your clothes and furniture) and then combed out with a fine tooth comb before a shampoo worked best.
My son has very sesitive/dry skin and I used Johnson's Baby Sorbolene Cream and this does the trick.
Johnson's lotion and oil both dried out my baby's skin. I use Hamilton's Wash to clean her hair and body and I massage Alpha Keri Oil into her skin after a bath. I read the ingredients of any product I use and avoid anything containing 'sulphates' (any of them) and 'mineral oil' as they can dry and irritate the skin.

My doctor also suggested that I shouldn't give my baby a bath every day as excess washing can dry out the skin. Topping and tailing on other days is sufficient to keep her clean.
The johnsons lotion actually made my bubbys skin drier, i think it may be because she has sensitive skin and the fragrance in the johnsons lotion. I brought a organic baby lotion designed for dry skin, and it worked really well. Her skin cleared up very quickly.

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