Wednesday, April 28, 2010

When is the United States going to stop depending on the Middle East for its oil and start drilling themselves

It is pathetic isn't it?

We are the ONLY country in the world not finding an alertnate fuel.

Europe is converting coal to oil

Brazil and souther america is drilling for more oil


We are the ONLY country that is not drilling or finding another energy source because our congress and president is so stupid.

Then we have the ******* hippies crying '; ooooooooh the polar bears...don't drill in alaska';

This country has gone to the dumps.

say hello to china as the new superpowerWhen is the United States going to stop depending on the Middle East for its oil and start drilling themselves
With equipment cost, wages, etc. it is more expensive to use drill for oil in North America. It is ';cheaper'; to import it from the Middle East. What we need to do is develop alternate renewable energy sources.When is the United States going to stop depending on the Middle East for its oil and start drilling themselves
You would think that the demand would soon becoming deafening but it doesn't appear to be so. I guess we will have to wait until gas reaches 5 dollars a gallon before people start calling their Congressmen.

Our Congress are the ones who adamantly stop this country from going after its' own resources. That in itself is a CRIME TO US ALL.
Congress won't allow drilling off our coasts or in ANWR. They want higher gas prices so Americans will drive less.
As soon as Republicans get back the congress.
i agree with you!!!

if we would look in our own gigantic country, maybe we could find oil and not have to pay so much!!!

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