That would cut CO2 emissions by 50%, no expensive government programs or high tax rates needed!Why don't all the people who are against the use of oil, just stop using it?
Yeah, they'll do that as soon as Komrade Fat Al ';I invented the internet %26amp; Gorebal warming'; Gore gets rid of his energy sucking 3 huge 6000 or so square foot homes, his HUGE gas sucking SUV's, riding in Limo's and burning fuel in his private jet rides. This guy is in it for the money he's making. Approximately 31,000 scientists have signed a petition saying that his myth of ';Gorebal Warming'; is wrong.
The left is only interested in screwing ';other people'; with their vision of ';change';, they will have their own privileges that the un-washed masses won't have. Look at the priviledged class of ';communist members'; in the ';Workers Paradise';, this is what democrats envision for themselves as they're ';changing'; us into a 3rd world power.Why don't all the people who are against the use of oil, just stop using it?
Fantastic point you make. You see all the people that ';don't LIKE oil'; are just cry babies. They just want to whine about the problem. They dont like it so they want everyone (else) to stop using it.What is the truly ironic thing is their solution is the same thing that Enron was doing...cap and trade. ha ha ha freakin whacky libs.
I have noticed a trend with the people that are liberal. They are some of the most wasteful people i've met. For instance my mother inlaw, always crying about the enviornment and big oil....the other day she throws away a perfectly fine blow up kiddie pool because it had a spider on it, uses a roll of paper towels a day, throws away anything with a small blemish.
My parents, american flag waiving, god fearing, conservatives - raise their own food, recycle everything, use something until its completely broke then slap duct tape on it and use it more, compost, etc. and would never dream of telling anyone else how to live their lives.
Ok so has anyone ever taken a class in Sociology? I mean Obamabots call themselves educated. People dropping cars and finding other means to get to work, school, grocery shopping, etc. is not going to happen considering how spread out everyone is. Nor can everyone just sell their cars and buy an expensive hybrid, ride a bike, roller blade or horse back. So what do you suggest next? Sell their homes, sell their cars and move to crime riddled inner cities within a few blocks of markets, schools, and work? We need ALL FORMS of energy ESPECIALLY oil.
Why is it that the same people telling us how to get around and live are the same ones using far more energy and oil than say 232 homes combined and flying around in a private jet *coughAlGOREcough*. Don't give me carbon offsets. That's a scam.
I don't know about the reduction in CO2 emissions but I do think that a lot of people who are concerned about oil use want the other guy to conserve. I've heard people at work remark about how rush-hour traffic has thinned out since gas has reached $4.00/gallon, but they still drive and have no notion of giving up their addiction to their vehicles. I live in a very liberal city and county. If all these people who believe that Al Gore is an environmental messiah would give up their gas guzzlers, our traffic jams would stop being in the top ten every time someone comes out with such a survey. Can anyone say hypocrite?
Actually more than half of the Co2 emissians come from animals farmed for consumption. You can do more for the environment by becoming a vegan than switching to a hybrid.
And to answer your question, that would require a real public transit for urban and rural areas, in conjunction with a new investment in infrastructure. I doubt you are willing to pay for that, are you?
Well I don't know about pollution, but I'm pretty sure gas prices would be a lot lower if everyone drove more efficient cars. I drive a geo metro just to do my part for that.
If you're eager to see something done, feel free to help out.
Or is this about you hoping other people will sacrifice, so you can keep driving a guzzler?
People who embrace extremist views and philosophies believe all large machines are inherently evil, and - worse - science is used to justify positions ';that actually have nothing to do with science.';
These viewpoints are naive, including the oft-stated wish to return to a ';Garden of Eden.'; How ironic, that these same people use cell phones, laptops and jet planes as the main tools of their trade.
_That_ would be an imposition.
What they want is for everyone +else+ to stop using petroproducts, to reduce ';carbon footprint';, ride bicycles, etc.
Whos against the use of Oil?
I just want alternative energy sources, why are we using the same technology that we have been using for the last 100 years?
LMAO. That is REALLY funny!! And give the Limos??
Private jets?? Mansions?? You gotta be kidding.
If I could I would. Without oil the Saudis only have sand.
Yeah...................soo what are we going to run our cars on now?
No one is against the USE of oil per se. We are against the toxic emissions, we are against climate change, and we are against the foreign policy disasters that are often created by the addiction to foreign oil (e.g., Vietnam War, Iraq War).
Good try, though.
Oil is not the issue , just it is made to be the scapegoat of this situation to allow more pocket change for the rich and greedy in office and abroad. The real issue we need to correct and FAST is the use of coal in our enviorment.
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