alaska is our final frontier help protect our country from further destuction please!if you are willing to help please e-mail me i am openHow many of you are willing to help stop oil drilling in alaska?
im willing. the scientists only think there is oil. there probaly is, but what if there isnt? than we have just ruined a whole enviroment.How many of you are willing to help stop oil drilling in alaska?
We need the oil in ALaska, the area determined to have the best return is the ANWR area. Unlike the pictures and commercials would like you to believe the area is frozen over and quite desolate. There are no bald eagles and female grizzly bears with cubs in that area of Alaska. We need more resources from our own country, not purchased from other countries. Please count me as UNWILLING to help you!
Is the drilling really destroying this frontier?
If this is what you choose then don't gripe about gas prices and tell your friends not to either. I think this is damn stupid.
All of us.
You obviously have not seen our 'final frontier', have you.
sorry, not only will I not help you I cant. Drilling in Alaska will give my Uncle who lives there a job and he needs it. Besides that drilling in Alaska could mean self reliance, instead of relying on other countries.
not me, I think we should have started drilling there years ago.
im not drilling oil in alaska. but if i were you would need to ';persway me'; in a natural way.
i would if it means stop getting animals out of danger
Are you with Greenpeace?
I'm sorry but my jeep grand cherokee needs oil D:
I luv it, Do you drive or do you walk.......If you drive that makes you a hypocrite...
~I agree with you.
Why stop with Alaska. Instead, we should eliminate all hydro-carbon products from our lives. Then we can go back to the good old days, without transportation (other than our legs and horses), petroleum based medicines, fertilizers, petro-fibers, and the myriad of products developed from the collateral research spawned by the oil industry. We can come over to your cave and have a nice candlelight dinner (or maybe we can use whale oil lamps?) and discuss it. Won't be able to do it on this site because there won't be any electricity to run our computers.
Let's shut down the wells in the Gulf too, and give Oklahoma back to the Buffalo. Wyoming doesn't need the revenue and jobs linked to oil, either.
Shut it all down. Being dependent on OPEC is a good thing. And when they shut off the supplies, we can all hike up to Alaska and shoot a Caribou for supper.
i wont ,sorry :(
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