Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Will a clogged oil filter stop an engine from running?

I have a 1987 Jeep Cherokee that has been well maintained and had an oil change about 3000 miles ago. I sold the Jeep to my mom 2 days ago after replacing the entire clutch about 2 months ago.

Today, she came over claiming that the Jeep wouldn't start because the oil filter (which she had someone take out in the parking lot of Wal Mart) was too clogged with dirt, oil and gas. She then told me that she had flooded it as well (which I assume is where the gas came from?).

The scary part is that she followed that up by saying that she thought ';first gear was down and second gear was up'; on the shift - and that she thought it was a 3 speed! She's driven the Jeep before and hasn't had it but a few days and there's already a problem. I had it for three years and had very few issues at all.

My question is - would a clogged oil filter actually make the Jeep not run at all? Or is it likely that her bad driving skills (and I use that term loosely) did something else to it? OY!Will a clogged oil filter stop an engine from running?
no, cuz all oil filters come wit a bypass valve so if it does get two clogged it will completely bypass the filter and still allow oil to the engine, its kinda a safety thing so you dont sieze up your engineWill a clogged oil filter stop an engine from running?
actually, some oil filters are designed without bypasses, so that dirty unfiltered oil never gets to the engine. Report Abuse

If the engine still will turn over but not start the oil filter is not the problem
yes it will i have a chrysler new yorker and it ran out of gas and i thought that was the problem but i guess but it does have a big effect and if its fuel injected you might want to check the fuel pump too.

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