Monday, April 26, 2010

How can Consumer america stop its addiction from oil?

Fact is, we as individuals can't do much. Big oil companies don't want us to stop the addiction, because they are bleeding us blind and they just love it. NO, a new direction in energy has to come from the government in spite of the big oil lobby. And that is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY to happen any time soon.How can Consumer america stop its addiction from oil?
Oil is not an addiction. It's a basic commodity that we use because it's use is more productive in many applications than that of various alternatives. I suppose you think we also have an addiction to copper, tungsten, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric dams, soybeans, and lots of other things? Maybe it's not sexy to talk about our addiction to aluminum?

If you are wondering how can we use less oil, then the answer is, when it is more economically productive to use alternatives (corn-based fuel and plastics, electric cars, coal-derived fuel, etc), people will happily begin using those alternatives instead.

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