Monday, April 26, 2010

What can I do to stop the burning and what is the best way to treat oil burns?

I burned my hand (opposite to my plam),with hot cooking oil.What can I do to stop the burning and what is the best way to treat oil burns?
Depending on the severity of the burn, I would contact your doctor or go to your local ER. Oil burns are the most severe burns a person can get, and can lead to infection. It is hard to remove all of the oil, so it can continue to burn and irritate the affected spot. If the burn isn't that bad, I would still talk to your doctor and ask how to treat it (via phone, there's no point in going all the way to the doctor for something that isn't that major.) He might advise you to apply a burn salve, or an antibiotic ointment, and then apply a gauze pad over the spot. You need to keep the area clean and sterile, as burns can become infected very easily.What can I do to stop the burning and what is the best way to treat oil burns?
burn will feel really cool but won't stop the blood flow to your hand which is needed to heal.

aloe vera could also be used but burn salve (gel) had medication in it.

take a mild pain reliever like tylonnel.

try to leave the burn unbandaged when you can. keep it covered while you sleep so fuzzies from clothes and bedsheets don't get stuck to it. if it blisters open it and disinfect it. most tell you not to open it but if you keep is clean it won't get infected and will heal faster.

when you burn yourself you should hold your hand under HOT water..not scalding but the pain will lessen..or milk...i don't know why it works but it does.
take toothpaste.. apply all over the affected area... but b4 that.. 1st put your hand under water... and may be even try to give a cold ice pack treatment for better results %26amp; stop burning sensation
Aloe vera gel works best, especially if you keep a bottle in your fridge.

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