Wednesday, April 28, 2010

When will we stop all the stupid in-fighting and drill at home for oil instead of funding those who dislike us

Think about this: the European nations who are so critical of us like Denmark, Sweden and especially Norway are all drilling for oil in the North Sea and on-shore while they condemn the generous USA. We the people must solve this our politicians can't or won't. Party power is their idol and gods.When will we stop all the stupid in-fighting and drill at home for oil instead of funding those who dislike us
When we get rid of the brain dead radical extreme left we will be able to drill for our own oil and construct nuclear power plants which will also reduce the cost of energy.

The radical extreme left promotes wind and solar and bio fuels, however solar costs over 10 times what our curent cost of energy is. Currently our energy prices have only doubled and we are having trouble. How would we handle solar which costs over 10 times the current cost of energy.

Wind is unreliable because you only get power when the wind blows.

Biofuels are food converted to motor fuel. That has caused the price of food to skyrocket worldwide.

The radical extreme left is brain dead. We have to get those clowns out of the way before we will be able to solve our energy problems.When will we stop all the stupid in-fighting and drill at home for oil instead of funding those who dislike us
North sea production is declining.

We don't drill for oil. Oil companies have people drill for oil. Oil companies haven't even begun to drill more than 75% of the leases on public land where they are currently permitted and have secured rights to drill here already. They have a drilling backlog, so why don't you ask them?

And we haven't even begun to discuss the private lease drilling backlog.
When we figure out a way to drill our own country for oil without totally wrecking the area that's drilled.

When we get some alternative fuel sources up and running.

When we learn to use less energy - which the people in the countries you mentioned already do. The Scandinavian countries are not known for having outrageously high sales of Hummers and other SUV-gas hogs.
I took patented 100% clean fuel less electric power to everyone that would talk with me in DC. I spent $50,000 making trips and I got nada, zip, zilch! All did get was BS, soft soaped, glad handed and shuffled off to Buffalo.

It went Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, Sam Nunn, Tom Price, Saxby Chambliss, the DOE, the director of renewable Utilities, and so many others it's just not funny. I got a truck load of letters trying to smooth my feathers but not one penny in funding!

These dinosaurs in DC don't care about us. They took dirty lobby money to rewrite our laws and make this gas FU happen. They all knew we were getting it in the shorts and don't care. They got ';paid'; to do it to us!

All the sound bites you see are to make you think they are doing something good for us. It's a giant lie! Smoke and mirrors propaganda to hide their FU to us. they did it for the money, dirty lobby money1
There's oil in Canada, except it's in the soil and it's very expensive to drill for it. Only now, with prices of gas so high is it becoming economically realistic.
Anwar only holds enough oil to support us for 4 months at best. The coastlines are a good thought, but better would be Solar, Wind, Nuclear and Bio...When we get off our collective a$$e$ and push these alternatives, then we can buy oil at OUR price!!
If we save ours and all the other countries run out we will be the only ones who can drive.!~!
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