Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do we stop being addicted to oil?

Whether you agree with Bush's policies and motives or not, one thing he said last night is certainly true: America is addicted to oil. How can we safely and responsibly change this situation?How do we stop being addicted to oil?
I like the idea of Bio fuel, you can make a low octane fuel from all kinds of agricultural bi-products. We happen to be really good at agricultureHow do we stop being addicted to oil?
The alternative material used in biofues,ie.biocombustible plants, will substitute just one part of the oil, I think just 20%.

This is mostly helpful for the environment but will not ';deliberate'; us from oil ';addiction';. Report Abuse

Well, first we need to figure out how to make plastics with out oil. While Bio diesel is viable, ethanol isn't safe for the standard engine, part of the reason that people are looking at hydrogen cars, but the problem with that you still are going to need coal to produce the hydrogen.

In the Dakota's an electric car is not a viable option due to weather, distance between refuling stations. Hybreds are a myth, and are basically not going to see the differnece due to distances the combustion engine is going to be running when your driving anyway

The only way that the addiction would be busted is technology, tax cuts, deregulation, and getting the government out of the way.
as a nation we are not addicted to oil! exxon-mobil,bp,royal dutch shell,and the likes are addicted to sellin oil to us, there is sufficient technology already available for us to appreciably make a difference and put us well on the way to be self sufficient, but big oil stiffles the technology at everyturn because once this happens there will be a big change in the world order of economics and industry, and big oil is not prepared to step down off their multi billion dollar pedastel yet.

and nomatter what the bush says there is no denyin he is part of big oil.
We have lots of technology to replace enough oil using products that we could probably do this pretty quickly. It's going to take some sacrafices that many won't be willing to do. So, it's going to take government and big money auto companies to be the ones to start it. None of them will do it without financial incentives so something has to be figured out there.

What's probably happening, even right now, is another country is developing better electric auto's and hybrids to replace fuel consuming cars and they'll be imported rather than made right here in the U.S.

We don't need all of these things eliminated either, we have lots of american oil coming in too.
Well, our forefathers did just fine without it. Horse drawn carriages, woodburning stoves and fireplaces. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with that. Kinda romantic, if you ask me.
Hydrogen cars is the answer and mass transit. In Europe you can travel cheap on Bullet trains now. Bu$h let the Energy Companies write the current energy policy and they will fight Hydrogen with big buck payoffs. The problem with the Bu$h agenda is that Bu$h favors high prices for oil. He would never except price controls. Bu$h even stopped Federal Price caps.

We spend $6 billion a month in Iraq and rebuild there roads, Sewers and schools but America is in bad shape when you look at the level of investment made by other countries in mass transit and alternative energy.
Yeah, I'm not into politics %26amp; oil %26amp; stuff, but wanted to note that I think it's pretty funny that you'd answer my nick Q the way that you did, and I just HAPPEN to be about an hour north of you hahahahahaha stalk me for a while ;-) I'll hit you up later
Pres. Bush said it last night, we need to invest governement money in altirnitave feul sources and Need to find breakthroughs that will make options to the general public.
1. Nuclear power plants

2. Cars powered by fuel cells

3. Don't raise taxes on oil. That just hurts the little guy.
Sadly we live in a country that relies on gasoline/oil heavily. Especially automobiles.

Basically it starts with coming up with alternatives. Everything from better puplic transportation in cities, car pooling, more efficent/environment friendly fuels and so on.

What it is going to take is enough of us standing up and saying ';HEY'; enough is enough. I think its funny that Bush says that America is addicted to oil, but what other choice is he and others giving us? Whose hands are in all the profits? It is not ironic that many of his cabinet have had handlings in the oil industry.

What it comes down to is money.......

Drink oil then when you die you become oil after 1 million years...

I guess we could come up with wind, water and nuclear energy solutions
We're not addicted to oil. That's like saying a crackhead is addicted to smoking. We're addicted to energy. We always have been (that's why we used horses), and we always will be.
Communities need to band together and find alternative sources of energy. We need to wrap our little minds around the fact that our oil addiction will be coming to an end whether we want it to...or not.
Get rid of the pushers.
Fund universities and scientists who experiment with alternative energy, for example, the University of Michigan has been, for years, been experimenting with solar powered vehicles and entering competitions. Programs like this need to be funded and hyped.
Try to cut back on fuel consumption, buy more fuel-efficient vehicles, maybe raise taxes on gas, and start to look for alternative sources of energy.
Stop using so many cars that use oil. switch to Hybrid. Use a different source for energy. I Don't Know?
I agree with what deymond said, we are addicted to energy. However, it might help our so-called ';addiction'; if our President didn't decide to start wars just to get oil.
just forget about it

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