Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why isn't the government doing anything to stop the monopoly of oil companies in the US?

I don't know. Ask your Senator or Congressman! There are many things they could do.

Stop selling Electronics, Weapons, Planes, and related spare parts to the Oil Producing Countries.

Start putting tariffs on all Countries shipping their products to the USA.

Build nuclear reactors to product electricity.

Put those electric producing wind mills in the ocean off the Kennedy Massachusetts Coast.

Ground all private jet aircraft, and let them all travel with the Airlines like the rest of us.

Rebuild coast to coast rail lines for passengers and freight.

Close Our Boarders to all Illegals, and I mean by any means necessary!

Force ALL POLITICIANS to travel by Public Transportation, and see how they like it.

Reduce the taxes on Home heating Oil and gas. The taxes are more that the Oil Companies Make.

Investigate how and who is responsible for the unrealistic rise in the cost of Oil. Then really do some thing to them legally, or otherwise!Why isn't the government doing anything to stop the monopoly of oil companies in the US?
It may just be a fine point, but the oil companies, by definition because there are more than just one of them, are not a monopoly. Put another big word in your vocabulary . . . oligopoly . . . which is when you have a relatively few companies working within a market. Individually they don't weild any significant power, but when they work in conjunction with each other they exert monopoly power. When that happens they get referred to as a ';cartel';.

But, back to your question: The government isn't doing anything about the petroleum oligopoly exerting monopoly power becase most of the Bush Administration (Executive Branch is charged with enforcing the laws) are so thoroughly in bed with the petroleum giants that stopping them would be insuring lower stock dividends for them, and fewer kickbacks. They won't bite the hand that feeds them.Why isn't the government doing anything to stop the monopoly of oil companies in the US?
Evidently, you think the oil companies, control the worldwide price of oil.

Exactly what would be the difference between having 6 oil companies BUYING oil from foreign countries to refine into gasoline.

And having 12 oil companies BUYING oil from foreign countries and refining into gasoline ?

The oil would cost the same, or even increase in price, because more oil companies would be trying to out bid each other to buy the oil, so they could refine it into gasoline.
Explain how companies, yes the plural of company, can have a monopoly. The correct word is oligopoly. Besides, the US gov't is already doing enough to hurt the oil companies, why do you think prices are so high? If the gov't gave them more freedoms, like the freedom to drill in new places and increase supply, then prices would go down.
It is not the governments job to do so. As much as some may wish, America is not a socialist government. As to you monopoly theory, you would have to speak to the countries we purchase our oil from. President Bush has been trying to get Congress to allow more drilling and more refineries, but they will not. So we are at an impasse. Either we produce our own oil, for a cheaper rate, or continue to pay what others charge.
Because the politicians get paid off, or have other connections with those companies. However, like everyone said , there is no monopoly. There is, on the other hand, a lot of shady decisions being made by certain companies.
There is no monopoly - it's a stretch to even say they have an oligopoly. Supply and demand. Drive those big SUV's and watch the price go up. Park those big SUV's and ride public trans and watch the price go down. It's not that hard to learn.
Because oil is big business, makes a lot of money and most of the politicians have investments in them and are not going to do anything to jeopardize that.
There is no monopoly.

The federal and state governments collet trillions of dollars from them.
Because it's not a monopoly - as you point out, there are multiple ';companies';, not just one.
What monopoly? I buy my gas from BP (British Petroleum), not Exxon, Citgo, Texaco, Shell...
The oligopolist (all combined) with the ';Gov'; under the covers with them, monopolize this resource. Some of us won't change until we're forced. ;-/
Because there is no monopoly in the oil industry.
because how do you have global corporations without a monopoly?
because the oil companies pay the politicians.
It isn't really the govt's job to hamper the free market (although they do it anyway.
First they would have to stop the oil from flowing.... good luck
big oil lobbyists owns half the congress


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