Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why the president Chavez from venezuela want to stop sending the oil?

i see on you tube that chaves want to stop sending the oil because he have something personal again bush not against the people only against bush he say why he Attack irak bush is a coward and an assassin etc.Why the president Chavez from venezuela want to stop sending the oil?
He idiot, for to sell cheap people why? People ov venzueala think chavez steal the money selled by oil. big crook takeed over venzuala from people. he stupid. no buy citco no gas too highfrom chavez crook.Why the president Chavez from venezuela want to stop sending the oil?
Chavez can't stop selling oil to the US.

If he did he couldn't fund his socialist programs.

He's just like the mountain mullahs preaching to the poor and telling 'em that things won't change because the US is the great satan. Meanwhile, scratch the surface to find that a very few very rich very powerful people have all the money and the resources.

Chavez isn't attacking Bush. He's just a fool prancing about on the stage for the benefit of maintaining the status quo of a few very rich and many very poor in Venezuala.
One thing I have in common with Chavez--neither one of us can stand Bush. Meanwhile, Bush has called this guy every name in the book as well. Bush supporters were boycotting gas stations that were selling Venezuelan oil (I think Citgo was one). Chavez responded by starting a program of sending cheap oil for low-income families, which was more than Bush ever did for them.

Yeah, but it's OK to buy oil from Saudi Arabia even though the vast majority of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi, and even though they treat women worse than dogs (they're not even allowed to drive).
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