Saturday, December 26, 2009

Will the tectonic plates stop moving when the oil runs out?

Do the oil reserves lubricate the tectonic plates? If there is no oil under the plates will they stop moving or at the very least will earthquakes become bumpier?Will the tectonic plates stop moving when the oil runs out?
no they are totally unrelated....oil is not found everywhere in the crust so its not like all the plates are lubricated.....the plates shift on powerful geological motions and processes that aided in the formation of fossil fuels but do NOT requrie them for movement....the plates were moving long before the fossil fuels were even formedWill the tectonic plates stop moving when the oil runs out?
Oil has nothing to do with it. The first answerer is very correct.
Oil reserves are actually much closer to the surface than the bottom of the tetonic plates. The plate motion is caused by molten rock and there is nothing that acts as a lubricant except molten rock.

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