Saturday, December 26, 2009

The senate voted to stop filling the strategic oil reserve as Hillary proposed long ago, sure you want Obama?

This should ease oil prices somewhat. It is obviously a temporary solution as we move into summer gasoline production which is higher in cost due to different manufacture styles.

However it is funny that Obama's largest contributor is an oil company CEO and Obama is opposed to gas tax relief or any real solutions that move away from oil.The senate voted to stop filling the strategic oil reserve as Hillary proposed long ago, sure you want Obama?
Somewhat? The miniscule savings resulting from a temporary stoppage of filling the strategic oil reserve will be offset (if not outright negated) by an increase for demand. Oil speculators know this and will react swiftly to these changes. Plus, a suspension in the federal gas tax means less matching funds for much need transportation infrastructure development %26amp; repairs. (Of course, that doesn't mean the work will not get done; it will just take much, much longer to finish.) This is the one area where I will side with Obama over Clinton.The senate voted to stop filling the strategic oil reserve as Hillary proposed long ago, sure you want Obama?
The reason they voted to stop filling it, is because it is 98% filled. Also, I love your source for the Oil Company CEO that is the largest contributor to Obamas campaign. I don't think that the oil diverted from the Strategic oil reserves will have much effect on price because:

1. The major oil companies are saying that the refineries are in need of repair, and are reducing production.

2. market price for oil will continue to go up

Summer is peak travel, so demand will go up also.

All spells high prices regardless.
What's funny is that some of the same people supporting the stopping of filling the strategic oil reserve (70,000 barrels of oil per day), are not in favor of temporarily repealing the gas tax.


I'm sure 70,000 barrels per day of oil are going to make a huge gas price dent and the 18.4 cents per gallon gas tax will do nothing.

Dems are crazy.
Stopping filling the strategic oil reserve will have no effect on the gas prices. None at all. Makes more sense to keep filling it until filled, it is really stupid NOT to have it filled up prior to the start of the hurricane season in June, where oil supplies may well be disrupted. For once, I have to actually agree with Bush. The Senate, and Clinton, are really shortsighted.
Obama wants wind/solar/alternative energy sources. That's ALL he talks about.

I understand there's more techonology there to convert coal into oil....

Hillary offers a HOLIDAY TAX RELIEF...for this summer...but the election will be held in the fall? Is that MAGIC? She will fly back in time to give people the tax relief??? Political pandering.
Yep, I'm sure. At least he's being real. The money you save will be taken from the infrasctrucure repairs that are needed all across America. So you wanna save $28.00 or hit a pothole and need a new alignment?

Either way it goes the oil companies can raise the prices whether we have a holiday or not. Haven't you heard about the record profits of Exxon/Mobil?
Given that the maximum individual contribution to a campaign is $2300 for the primary and $2300 for the general election, how can the largest contributor be an oil CEO?
one economist said it will save us about 5 cents a gallon at the pump. another stupid political tactic.
it is a bad move. will not make that much difference. about 5 cents a gallon

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