Saturday, December 26, 2009

What will the middle east do when we stop buying their oil?

I think they will get desperate and start wars for survival because its their only source of incomeWhat will the middle east do when we stop buying their oil?
It'll never happen until they run dry. Oil will always be needed. However, a day may come when we won't need as much oil. But that won't be for a ling, long time.What will the middle east do when we stop buying their oil?
They can always sell oil.

Dont forget, that they can survive with much less than we do.

We went into $12,000,000 Million in debt buying walmart tupperware. While in the middle east there is plenty of abundant welfare programs (saudi arabia), there is nothing like the endless thirst for importing foreign crap using DEBT like here.

Even with us reducing demand for oil, the developing countries will consume what we don't. So again, oil producers will always be able to sell their product. Countries who are less in debt, smaller, and not embarked in endless worldwide warfare will obviously fare better.
I would respectfully disagree with your assesment. China and India are both BOOMING. Not only that but they are also some of the most densely populated regions of the world on very large continents. They (India/China) are going through their ';gilded age'; industrial revolution now...just as the U.S. did in the late 19th and early 20th Century. The Middle Eastern oil producing nations are not hurting. However, they will eventually run out of their natural reserves...then what?
History shows the developement of oil wells was because oil was discovered and the Arabs requested assistance from the west to build the refineries to process the oil.Part of the deal was that the Arabs would bank moneys into US and British Banking systems and the Arabs agreed to agree.Then Arabs held the world to basic ransom by declining oil to the west in the 60s and the price of oil went off the scale recently and has now plumeted because the Arabs are in fear of the Hybrid clean cars to be marketed.I think they will go into self destruct mode, and if they act up the wrong way I feel there assets in the western world that have benifited from there oil can be frozen as punishment if they became tyrants in other ways.There combined financial assets could asist the development of the hybrid car if they wished to help now, and become part of succesfull partnerships but I have not heard them asking as yet.
They will wash their butt with oil befor entering the moskee

They are not able to rise chickens!

The best weapons again them is the Embargo especially on food and drugs it works better than A10

During free time I work like a lumberjack here where we have larges oak forest to warm the house with wood to spare oil!
China and India will surely become their best customers. America is not the center of the world, you know. I support weaning ourselves of Middle Eastern oil, at least from countries (Iran) that hate us.
I don't think that will ever happen. I think it would be more likely for them to lessen our supply or cut us off all together. This is of course if the demand of oil continues to go up in countries like India and China.
darn good question!

Very complicated.

Hopefully in 25 yrs. we will not need oil.

Near future they will stop fighting.

But then again, they fight over sand!
They will always have a market for their oil, as long as it lasts.

The more appropriate question would have been to ask what the middle east will do when all their wells run dry.
They will probably get in line an have another ride on Magic Mountain since that scenario will only take place in Disneyland.
It will surly a hard time for them ,

But for YOU it will be sure sucide ,

Yes , Choice is yours.
Start selling sand for sand boxes?
That's not going to happen.

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